Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 21 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by the family of Don Linnemeier in loving remembrance of his passing to his heavenly home 38 years ago tomorrow.


A PRAYER SERVICE is held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM, followed by Bible study on the Parables of Jesus.  Everyone whose schedule allows is invited to come and join in this morning of prayer and study.


NO WEDNESDAY EVENING WORSHIP this Wednesday, June 24, as Pastor Cook will be in Fort Wayne for the Indiana District Convention.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print editions are also available.


REUNION SUNDAY, a part of our 175th anniversary celebration, will be held next Sunday, June 28.  After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation class photos that have been collected will be displayed.  Photographs will be taken of each class at the reception.  Pastor Marcus Jauss will be the guest preacher for this service.


JULY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by Wednesday this week.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Bible Study/meeting this Wednesday, June 24, beginning at 9:00 AM.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our 175th Anniversary Old Fashion Mission Festival to be held on Sunday, July 26, immediately after the worship service.  Everyone is invited to come join in the fun, food, games, prizes for all ages!  There will also be antique displays.  Watch the weekly bulletin, July news, and the quarterly newsletter for more information as the time nears.


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  In 1877, a good number of members residing at or near Jonesville secured their release and established a church of their own.  Pastor H.J. Juengel served both congregations.


HISTORICAL INFORMATION about some of our members and the workings of our congregation has been gathered and is available for persons to look through.  Check the new shelf in the conference room (room behind Becky's desk).  Persons are asked to please browse through the information in the conference room.  Many thanks to Jean Meyer and Karen Schlehuser for organizing this.


LADIES AID SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS have been mailed to those students who will be attending Trinity Lutheran High School this fall.  All applications are due in to our church office by Wednesday, July 15.


A MEMBER OF Faith Lutheran Church, Columbus, is raising funds for a seizure alert service dog by sponsoring "Paws of Love for Yvonne," at the Ruby Tuesday restaurant, 3715 West Market Place, Edinburgh, this Thursday-Saturday, June 25-27.  Check with Becky in the office for a flyer to present to the restaurant to give 20% of your purchase to this worthy cause.


THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN, Indiana Branch, is collecting clothing from birth to age 5 that can be sent from our new warehouse in Jonesville on the first overseas shipment to orphanages in Latvia.  These clothes can be bought to the open house on July 26 (after our Old Fashion Mission Festival) or collected and brought to a central collection site (call 712-369-1165 for details of places).


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is seeking candidates for a part-time chemistry teacher.  Subjects would include chemistry I and II for three periods four days a week.  Teacher must be licensed in the state of Indiana.  Interested persons may drop off a resume at the Trinity office by this Thursday, June 25.


VOLUNTEER TRAINING:  The Pregnancy Care Center Summer Volunteer Training will begin with Ministry Orientation night on Wednesday, July 29, from 6-9 PM.  Training will continue on Thursday, July 30, and Friday, July 31, from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM.  Training will be held at Memorial Baptist Church, 2320 7th St., Columbus.  For more information, contact Christy Shaw at 1-866-510-5067 or online at


THE CHURCH OFFICE HOURS are flexible during the summer break, through July 17.  If you need to come to the office, please call before you make the trip to make sure someone is in.