Friday, August 26, 2011

Preschool Scholarship Available!

St .Peter Sprouts Preschool, Waymansville

Scholarship available for four-year-old class...child must be age 4 by Aug. 1, more or less.

Full tuition and registration paid for elligible Bartholomew County resident who meets financial qualifications. 

Contact Amy Sciano at 812.342.0540.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Delia's Funeral

Delia's funeral will be held at St. John's on Friday, August 26, 2011 at 4:00PM. Visitation will also be held at the church beginning at 3:30PM. The congregation is invited to attend in support of the Rockhill family. Memorials may be given in lieu of flowers to Camp Lutherhaven, Camp Lakeview, or The March of Dimes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Delia Rockhill update

In the waters of your Baptism,
Jesus has called you by name, Delia
and promises to be with you always.

Baby Delia was born around 3:30 am this morning.  She was welcomed with love by her parents, and welcomed  into God's family immediately through Baptism.  She died shortly thereafter.

Baptized into Thy name most holy,
O Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
I claim a place, though weak and lowly,
Among Thy seed, Thy chosen host.
Buried with Christ and dead to sin,
Thy Spirit now shall live within.

TLH 298

Monday, August 22, 2011

prayers needed for the Rockhill family

Please pray for the Rockhill family.  Contractions have started, and they suspect labor is beginning.

Baby Delia,  you are loved.

By way of reminder: their baby has been diagnosed with anencephaly, a condition that is incompatible with life.  See her blog here for more information and pictures of their sweet family.

May God uphold them during this most difficult time.

PhotobucketIt is not death to die,
To leave this weary road,
And midst the brotherhood on high
To be at home with God.

It is not death to fling
Aside this sinful dust
And rise, on strong, exulting wing,
To live among the just.

Jesus, Thou Prince of Iife,
Thy chosen cannot die;
Like Thee, they conquer in the strife
To reign with Thee on high.

Hymn #602
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: John 11:26
Author: H. A. Cesar Malan, 1832, ab.
Translated by: George W. Bethune, 1847
Translated into German by: Albert Knapp, 1836
Titled: "Non ce n'est pas mourir"
Composer: Frederick A.G. Ouseley, 1861
Tune: "Tenbury"

August 21 Weekly News

TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by John & Crystal Nading in thanksgiving and celebration of their wedding here last evening. May God grant them many happy years together!
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet this evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill.
SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting this Wednesday, beginning at 9 AM.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Women’s Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays at the parsonage from 3:30-4:30 PM. Babysitting will be provided. Persons are asked to contact Emily Cook (447-8693) if they will be bringing a child(ren) so adequate sitters will be available. Another Bible Study will begin after worship on Wednesday evenings, beginning September 21, for mothers with daughters 8-12 (or anyone else interested). Please contact Emily to enroll in this study.
MANY THANKS TO everyone who helped with last Sunday’s picnic and to those who brought items to exhibit and share (48 quilts!!!). What a blessing for our church family to share in such fun fellowship!
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our fall schedule will begin on Sunday, September 11, when Sunday School and Bible Class begin at 9:00 AM and Worship at 10:15 AM. Sunday School teachers are needed for classes for children 2 years through 8th grade – the more volunteers we have, the lighter the load for everyone. Cookies are also needed for the kick-off celebration before church on the 11th. Please contact Lori Hill (342-7671) or Tammy Claycamp (342-3420).
FALL BIBLE SALE: Concordia Publishing House is currently offering many Bibles on sale. Check with Becky in the church office for more information. (Might be a good time to think ahead to Confirmation!)
TRIVIA NIGHT RETURNS! Are you a trivia nut? Round up some friends and family members and join us for a night of fun at Trinity’s annual Trivia Night on Saturday, August 27, at 7:00 PM in the Bollinger Gymnasium. Not only will you get a chance to prove what you know, but you’ll also be entered to win some great prizes! On sale now in Trinity’s school office, tickets cost $12 per person or $72 per table. Please contact Anna Wise (373-9385) for tickets.
LUNCH MANAGER/SUB COOKS NEEDED: Michele Claycamp has accepted another job offer, so our school is in need of a lunch manager. A job description is available from Mrs. Buss. Resumes may be submitted to the school office. Sub cooks are also needed to serve on an occasional basis (hours 9 AM – 2 PM). Contact the school office.
MUM SALE: Our school is currently sponsoring a Mum Sale. Contact any student or Becky in the office. Mums are from Whipker’s Farm Market. Proceeds will be used to fund field trips and special activities for our students.
ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE will be sponsoring their 3rd Annual Car & Tractor Show on Saturday, September 10. Persons who would like to exhibit may contact Margie Trimpe at the church office (342-4921). Everyone invited.
TLHS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN DINNER: Trinity Lutheran High School will kick off their new “Built on a Firm Foundation” Capital Campaign with dinner and fellowship on Sunday, September 18, at 5:30 PM. Dr. Dale Meyer, President of the St. Louis Seminary and our own Micah Owens, class of 2007, will speak at the event. Admission is free; however, a reservation is needed to attend, and persons will be asked to support the students with a pledge or gift that night. Contact Michael Bridges or Julie Wehmiller (524-8547) for reservations.