WE REJOICE WITH Brian & Linda Jo Hauersperger as
they bring their daughter, HALEY KATE, to be baptized this morning. Haley's sponsors are her aunts, Tara Haley
and Stacy Hauersperger, and special friend, Lorraine Cook. God's blessings to you, Haley!
TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in thanksgiving and
celebration of Haley's baptism by her grandparents, Bill & Teresa Haley.
A SPECIAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held next Sunday, August 18,
after worship. At this time the voters
will choose which school expansion bid to accept. All members of the congregation are
encouraged to attend as we make these important decisions regarding our
ministry here at St. John's.
THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this Wednesday evening,
August 14, after the evening worship.
All members are asked to please attend this meeting.
A PRAYER COMMITTEE is being formed as our building
expansion progresses. If you would like
to serve on this committee, please let Pastor Cook know.
SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin the Sunday after Labor
Day, September 8. Sunday School teachers
and helpers are needed. Please contact
Pastor Cook or James Rockhill if you would like to help with this part of our
church's ministry.
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS will meet next Sunday evening, August
18, at 6:00 PM.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet next Sunday
evening at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their
monthly meeting and socializing.
"WE THANK GOD for our amazing church family! He has richly blessed us! Thanks for being there for us during Terry's
foot injury . Thanks to all for your
prayers, cards, calls, visits, food, and farming help. We truly appreciate everything!"- Terry,
Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser
DEPOSITS OF $285.00 and $565.00 have been made to
the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans' Thrivent Choice program by the directed Choice Dollars of the
following: Dale & Bettie Burbrink,
Nathan Eckelman, Matt Taulman, Mark Buss, Larry Claycamp, Ken Dettmer, Linda
Schroer, James Tower, and Lindsey Von Fange.
Orders are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the
church or in the memory garden. Cost is
$100 per brick. Please contact Ernie
& Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to
order. Orders will be taken anytime
through Labor Day.
THE CONGREGATION IS INVITED TO the wedding of Sean Mensendiek &
Alyssa Newland next Saturday, August 17, at 5:30 PM at St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, Jonesville. The reception will
be immediately following at the Pavilion Building at the Bartholomew County
Looking for some "quality time" with your family? Try one of Camp Lakeview's Family Fun-Fest
Retreats on August 23-25 or August 30-September 1 (Labor Day weekend). Get away with your entire family and end your
summer together, making some lasting memories and growing closer to each other
and to the Lord. For more information,
pick up a brochure in the narthex or contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 or