Monday, May 9, 2016

WE COME IN PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, You are in heaven, watching over us.  At the same time, You are right here with us to provide for us.  By Your Spirit, teach us to know Your presence, so that we are cheered by Your gifts of love and prompted to live and act in a way that is pleasing to You.  We pray in Your precious name, Lord Jesus.  Amen.


WE REJOICE WITH Thorn & Tara Murphy as they bring their son, CHASE WILLIAM, to Holy Baptism this morning.  Chase’s sponsors are his aunt and uncle, Linda Jo & Brian Hauersperger.  God’s blessings to you, Chase!


BIBLE STUDY SURVEY:  Please return the Bible study survey TODAY.  Drop boxes are in the narthex, as well as extra copies if needed (beside the boxes).  The goal of this survey is to improve Bible study times and topics to better serve our congregation.  Your feedback is much appreciated!


THE BOARD OF ELDERS will meet next Sunday evening, May 15, at 6:30 p.m.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet next Sunday evening, May 15,      at 5:00 p.m. (note that this is ½ hour earlier than usual) at Amazing Joe’s restaurant on Central Avenue in Columbus for supper.  After supper, they will return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Guests are always welcome!


YOUTH GROUPS will meet next Sunday evening at 7 p.m.


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE is being held yet today.  A trailer is parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.  Many thanks from our school’s parent organization, the WCA, for your support!


MANY THANKS TO those who came out to help spruce up the church/school grounds.  The great turn-out was certainly a blessing to get the work done!


ST. PAUL, CLIFTY, VBS:  All children, 3 years old through 6th grade (completed) are invited to attend the VBS, Barnyard Roundup: Where Jesus Gathers Us Together, June 26 – 30 at the church at 6045 E. State St., Columbus.  A free dinner will be served each evening at 5:45 p.m., followed by the VBS program from 6:15-8:30 p.m. Registration forms were passed out at school and will be available today at Sunday School – extra forms are available in our narthex.  Persons may also register by calling the St. Paul office at 812-376-6504 or by going online at


BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN:  We will be participating in a Baby Bottle Campaign for Clarity Pregnancy Services (formerly the Pregnancy Care     Center).  Baby bottles will be available next Sunday for you to fill with your loose change.  These gifts will be used by Clarity of South Central Indiana's* mission to “compassionately engage, educate, and inspire our communities with the truth regarding sexual integrity and the value of human life.” They do this by providing education, intervention, encouragement, and healing.

Every bit of change you collect will bless someone in need through their      services. Here's how your support will help: $5-Five pregnancy tests; $10-One abortion recovery Bible study workbook; $20-Ten New Testament Bibles;  $45-One car seat; $70-Two HPV tests; $90-One sonogram; $125-Sexual integrity presentations for five students.  Please return your bottles by Father’s Day, June 19.


OUR SUNDAY MORNING worship time will change to 10:15 a.m. beginning Sunday, May 29, through Sunday, September 4.  Sunday School and Adult Bible Study will take a break during this time.


COACHES NEEDED:  Several coaches and assistants are needed at WCLS for the 2016-2017 school year.  Volleyball coaches for the 4th/5th team, the 6th team, and the 7th/8th team and helpers for some of the basketball teams are needed.  These are volunteer positions.  Application forms are available in the school office.