Monday, July 22, 2013

July 21 Weekly News

WELCOME TO Aaron & Sue Voelker and their sons, Noah and Nathan, to our White Creek family as they join us in church membership.  Offer your hand in friendship and get acquainted!  Noah and Nathan will be students at WCLS.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are reminded to return their Ladies Aid Scholarship application to the church office by this Wednesday, July 24. 


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet this evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans restaurant at West Hill for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting this Wednesday, July 24, at 9:00 AM.  Mite Boxes will be received.


OUR WCLS TEACHERS will be rededicated (Mrs. Jack, also installed) during next Sunday's worship.


CHURCH PICNIC:  Our fourth annual church picnic will be held next Sunday, July 28, after the worship service.  Lunch will be served followed by games and visiting.  Here is a list of needs and reminders to help make this event another fun time for everyone:

·         Donations of hot dogs are requested.  Please let Becky know if you would be able to supply some.  They may be brought to the office any morning this week.

·         Everyone enjoys pie and ice cream, so let Becky know if you would be able to bring a pie/some pies.

·         Canopies and tents are needed again.  Let Becky know if you would be able to bring some.

·         Quilts, collections, hobbies will again be displayed in the gym.  Please bring those in Saturday morning 10:00 AM -12:00 noon.

·         Tractors, cars, trucks, etc. will be on display in the parking lot.  Those may be brought Saturday morning, 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon or on Sunday morning.

·         Everyone come in comfortable clothes and bring lawn chairs to enjoy this time of fun and fellowship!


SCHOLARSHIP FUND OFFERING:  Next Sunday, July 28, we celebrate the beginning of a new school year with the installation/rededication of White Creek’s teaching staff, and we come together in fellowship at our annual church picnic.  The Board of Education will have a free-will offering box at the picnic to receive funds for the school’s scholarship fund, with matching amounts to be provided by Thrivent.  These funds help school families who do not have congregational support meet the cost of tuition for their children to attend our school.  Your support is sincerely appreciated!


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS will meet for an executive meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, July 31.  The regular monthly meeting will be held that same evening after worship (7:30 PM).


BASEBALL TICKETS:  Those who ordered tickets for the August 4 Cincinnati Reds/St. Louis Cardinals game may pick up those tickets in the church office.  Cost is $22.50/ticket - checks may be made payable to White Creek Lutheran School.


COACH NEEDED:  White Creek Lutheran School is in need of a coach for our girls A volleyball team.  If interested, please contact Mrs. Buss or AD Amy Sciano (342-0540).