Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another Update on Japan

Below you will find a letter that was sent to me to help update the congregation on what has been the LC-MS's response to the disaster in Japan. Our newly elected president truly has a heart for missions! We pray that God would continue to work through the efforts of our synod, as well as the other aide organizations as they continue to offer relief in Japan.

Dear Pastor,

In the three weeks since the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we’ve been in contact with leaders of the Japan Lutheran Church and others in affected areas of the country. The primary concerns are, of course, the effect of the damaged nuclear power plants and the humanitarian needs.
Darin Storkson, LCMS World Relief and Human Care's regional director for Asia, Rev. Carl Hanson, LCMS World Mission area facilitator for East Asia, and Rev. John Mehl, LCMS World Mission’s regional director for Asia, met with some of our Japanese Lutheran partners on Wednesday, March 30. On Thursday, President Harrison videotaped a conversation with Mehl, who is in Hong Kong. You can find the video You can also find a Reporter article about the conversation here.
In the video, Rev. Mehl told President Harrison that our Japanese Lutheran partners are appreciative of the LCMS support and our “ministry of presence.” President Harrison also thanked the LCMS and our members for their generous support of efforts to help, acknowledging gifts of some $500,000. He urged congregations and individual donors to continue giving to help the LCMS meet needs expected to continue well into the future.
Please share this video and/or article with your congregation and let them know they can keep up with our ongoing effort in Japan by checking, please convey our sincere appreciation to your congregation for each person’s response to the crisis in Japan. We continue to pray for the people of Japan. We praise God for the generosity of His people, and we thank Him especially for you and all you do in His name.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"We like suffering, yes we do, we like suffering, how about you?"

Is this how you feel about suffering?  In Romans 5, Paul urges us to rejoice in suffering.  What exactly does he mean by this?  Are we really supposed to pretend suffering is not painful?  Do strong Christians go skipping off to chemotherapy and cheerfully bury their loved ones?  And if I am unable to do these things, does that mean my faith is a lie?

This verse is commonly misunderstood in this way.  In the sermon this Sunday, Pastor Cook helps us understand what Paul actually means.  We do not rejoice because of suffering, but by the grace of God, we can rejoice even during suffering, as we come to Him as needy little children for comfort and help.

Monday, March 28, 2011

April Monthly News

LENT/HOLY WEEK/EASTER The Lenten season continues with our last three midweek services, March 30, April 6, and April 13, at 7 PM each evening. (Supper before each service, beginning at 5:45 PM.) Two services (7 AM and 10:15 AM) will be held on Palm Sunday, April 17, with twelve eighth graders being confirmed during the 10:15 AM worship. Maundy Thursday worship with Holy Communion will be at 7 PM, April 21, and Good Friday worship will begin also at 7 PM, April 22. Easter sunrise worship will be at 7 AM on April 24, followed by the Easter breakfast, special Easter activities during the Sunday School hour, and worship with Holy Communion at 10:15 AM.

CONFIRMATION Twelve eighth graders will be confirmed during the 10:15 AM worship on Palm Sunday, April 17. They are Brett Burbrink, Abigayle Carothers, Sam Claycamp, Rhett Fleming, Luke Fosbrink, Libby Hatton, Caleb Hildreth, Elizabeth Hill, Elijah Mehlek, Bailey Newkirk, Evan Otte, and Janelle Peters. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they reach this milestone in their lives.

CHURCH COUNCIL The Church Council are reminded of their meeting after the midweek worship this Wednesday, March 30. Attendance at this meeting is very important.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING The Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 3, at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.

SENIOR LEAGUE Members will gather at Bob Evans Restaurant at West Hill at 5:30 PM on Sunday, April 17, and will then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing and card playing.

LADIES AID Ladies Aid will meet on Wednesday, April 27, at 9 AM. Various craft items will be worked on, with the Bible Study and business meeting beginning at 11 AM. April is Mite Box month. Lunch will be served by the hostesses at 12 noon. Everyone welcome!

LWML SPRING RALLY The Columbus Zone LWML Spring Rally will be held on Saturday, April 9, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Franklin. Registration ($5) will begin at 9 AM, followed by the program and business meeting. Leslie Haines, Executive Director of Lutheran Military Veterans and Family Ministries, Inc. from Fort Wayne will be the featured speaker. A salad luncheon will be served. Contact Jean Voelker (522-8168) for more information.

WHITE CREEK COOKBOOKS The White Creek cookbook is now available for sale in the church office. Cost is $13. All proceeds from this sale will go to fund school projects and activities. Checks may be made payable to White Creek Lutheran School.

PAPER DRIVE CHALLENGE A paper drive challenge is being held during the month of March, so if you have paper to recycle, remember to bring it by this Thursday, March 31. If we are able to recycle 4 tons of items, Abitibi will double our payment. Remember, paper, newspaper, magazines, and junk mail can all be recycled! Thanks to everyone for their participation.

RELAY FOR LIFE FUNDRAISER The Relay for Life Team, (Pink Crusaders, Cari Hercamp) will be sponsoring a dinner/dance on Saturday, April 30, at the Ogilville Fire Station on State Road 58. Doors will open at 6:30 PM, with the dance beginning at 8:00 PM. Greg Hercamp’s band, 1100 South, will be playing. Dinner will be spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and drink with prices of $7/adult and $3/child 12 and under. Tickets may be purchased from Cari Hercamp.

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