Monday, September 10, 2018

September 9 Weekly News

SUNDAY SCHOOL/ADULT BIBLE CLASS begins TODAY after worship.  Sunday School children will gather in the first grade classroom for opening, and adult Bible class will meet in the Fellowship Room to hear God speak about love through His servant Saint John as a study on 1 John is led by Pastor Whitmore.  Hope to see you there!

BIBLE STUDY:  A 9-week study on Luke will be held on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00pm in the Fellowship Room, September 12-November 14.  Contact Jean Jack (714-768-5731) or Becky in the church office to enroll and pick up a study guide.  Come and join in this study from the Lifelight Bible study series.
SUBMIT YOUR BID on the Meals Deals being offered this month by our Youth: Meal Deal #1 - chili, homemade bread, and peach cobbler and Meal Deal #2 - chicken enchiladas w/sour cream and lettuce and a cookie plate. Thanks for your support as our youth continue to earn funds for the Youth Gathering next summer!

BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP will meet this Tuesday evening at 6:30pm.

GUILD MEMBERS ARE REMINDED of their meeting this Tuesday evening, September 11, at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Room.  Guests are always welcome!

EMILY COOK will be speaking on “Bloom Where you are Planted”, at our Zone LWML Rally, next Saturday, Sept. 15th.  All women of St. John’s are invited to come to the rally and enjoy a light breakfast, visit with Emily, help pack backpacks for the OGT., and maybe, bid on a purse at our silent auction fund raiser.  Registration begins at 8:30am, which includes a zone registration fee of $10 to help cover expenses for the zone delegates to attend the national LWML conventions. The registration fee for “First Timers”, from St. John’s, will be $5.00, with the remaining $5.00 being covered by our society.  After a brief meeting, we will end the morning with a salad lunch.
To help us with our planning, please let Becky know, by TODAY if you are planning to attend. If anyone is able to donate a salad or breakfast item, please let Becky, Janeen Blomenberg, Katie Otte or Jean Voelker know, as soon as possible.  Thanks! Hope to see you there!

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet next Sunday, September 16, at 5:30pm for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.

JOSEPH BIBLE STUDY:  Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is this year’s musical to be performed by the TLHS students.   In anticipation of this performance, everyone is invited to join St. Paul’s, Jonesville, for a 7-week Bible Study on The Theological Themes of Joseph led by Pastor Jung.  Throughout this study, more will be learned about Joseph’s family, the history of Egypt, and how the theological themes of the entirety of scripture are captured in the story of this one man in God’s history of salvation.  Sessions will be held Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:30pm, September 12-October 24.  Everyone is welcome!

ST. PAUL’S, JONESVILLE Sunday School would like to invite their White Creek friends to a Back to School Skate Party this evening from 4:30-6:30pm at Columbus Skateland.  Entry is free, skate rental is $2.

“MANY THANKS for the prayers, cards, and many kindnesses given to us at the passing of our dear mother and grandmother, Kathryn Taulman.  A special thanks to Pastor Whitmore for his comforting words and to those who donated to and helped at the funeral lunch.” – Much appreciation, the Family of Kathryn Taulman

SUPPORT OUR YOUTH who are attending the National LCMS Youth Gathering in 2019 by purchasing through their Pampered Chef fundraiser between now and September 23.  The youth will earn up to 35% of purchases.  See a youth member who plans to attend the Gathering, Jennifer Whitmore, or go online to to place and order.  The youth thank you for your support!

GOLF OUTING:  Our Senior High Youth will be sponsoring a Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course, Seymour, on Saturday, September 29, beginning at 8:00am.  Entry cost is $65/player, which includes 18 holes with cart and lunch.  Registration deadline is Friday, September 7.  Registration forms are available in the narthex and our church office.  Prizes will be awarded and a raffle will be held.

INDIVIDUALS/BUSINESSES are being sought to be a sponsor for the Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour on Saturday, September 29.  If you would like to be a sponsor or donate raffle items, please contact Jason Hill at (812-350-2161, or Michelle Barnett (  All proceeds will go to help with expenses  to attend the 2019 National Youth Gathering next summer. 

COMMUNITY HYMN FESTIVAL: Dr. John Behnke will lead a hymn festival, The Story of Salvation, at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty, this coming Friday, September 14, at 7:00pm.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend – and please bring your friends!  If you have any questions or wish to sing in the choir, please contact Kantor Dan Mau at 812-278-3719 or

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL will be sponsoring a fish fry this evening from 4:00-7:00pm at the Immanuel fair stand at the Jackson County Fairgrounds.  Fish, sides, dessert, and drinks will be served for a free will offering.  All proceeds go to benefit the programs of Immanuel Lutheran School.  Everyone invited.

THE LUTHERAN COMMUNITY HOME will sponsor a free dinner as part of its 50th anniversary celebration this coming Friday, September 14, from 4:30-7:30pm on the lawn at LCH.  The dinner will begin at 5:00pm, and also featured will be live entertainment, games for the kids, and a mini car show.  All residents, family, friends, volunteers, employees, and supporters of LCH are invited to this celebration event.

DESSERT DONATIONS: The Trinity Lutheran High School auction committee is looking for donations for the silent dessert auction and we need your help to make this a success! This is the perfect venue to support Trinity and share your talents! If you have a favorite dessert you would like to donate for the auction, please contact (call, text, or email) Jill Baumgartel @ 812-530-7095, or Holly Sawyer @ 812-528-0645,  and let them know what dessert you would like to donate by Sunday, November 18th. Your name & dessert will be featured in the auction catalog.  (*This is a donation that will be included in the auction, not used as a dessert for the supper.)

“For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also come in.”  God shows no partially: rich and poor alike are called into the Kingdom.  And both rich and poor alike have something to contribute to the Kingdom in accordance with the callings God has given them in their lives.  This is why both the Old and New Testaments talk about proportional giving – that is, giving a proportion of our income to the Lord’s work.  This makes it possible for rich and poor alike to have the honor of supporting God’s work.