Saturday, December 22, 2012

Women's Bible Study in the New Year

Join us at the parsonage on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30
beginning January 9

We will be studying the book of Luke.

LifeLight: Luke, Part 1 - Study Guide

This 9-session study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Lesson 1-Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Lesson 2-The Sign of Jonah
Lesson 3-Baptism in Luke and Acts
Lesson 4-The Lukan Beatitudes
Lesson 5-Defeating the Devil
Lesson 6-Jesus, Our Sabbath Rest
Lesson 7-St. Luke, Liturgist
Lesson 8-Jesus' Table Fellowship
Lesson 9-The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

If you've never joined us before, now is a great time to jump in!

Babysitting provided!

If you'd like a book, please send me an email at

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 16 Weekly News

OUR THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7 PM.  Our Youth will be serving a chili and baked potato bar supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Two services will be held Christmas Eve: the first at 4:30 PM and the children's program at 6:30 PM, with pre-service music at 6:15 PM.  Worship will begin at 9:00 AM Christmas Day and will include Holy Communion.  (Please note that there will be no Wednesday evening worship on December 26.)


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional books for January-March are available in the narthex.  Large print copies are also available.


THE JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH will meet at 6:00 PM this evening to make cards for Phil's Friends.


CHRISTMAS CANDY TREATS:  Persons who would like to donate to the children's Christmas candy treats may give their donation to the Elder or any of the ushers TODAY.


THE 2013 LUTHERAN ANNUAL may be ordered through the church office.  Cost is $20.69.  Please contact Becky by TODAY.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


THE LADIES AID Christmas Party will be held this Wednesday, December 19, at the Elk's Lodge in Columbus. Members are reminded to bring their Prayer Pal card and their Little Red Stocking.


DEPOSIT AMOUNTS OF $455 and $112 have been deposited to the church and school accounts, respectively on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent Choice program through the directed choice dollars of the following: Dale & Bettie Burbrink, Carolyn Peters, Brian Purdue, Michael Sharp, Kyra Bode, Ronald Ebenkamp, Matthew May, Melanie Meyer, Terry Schlehuser, Herb Stiltz, and Kathryn Taulman.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Tara Haley who graduated yesterday from Ball State (even a semester early!)  Blessings to Tara as she will begin her new job January 7!


MANY THANKS TO all who supported last Sunday's Cookie Sale.  Also, a big thanks to all who baked the cookies!


CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  Everyone is invited to the annual St. Paul, Clifty, Christmas Concert this evening at 7 PM.  Directed by Dr. Charles Goehring, the organist/accompanist will be Charles Manning. M.M.  This professional choral/orchestra ensemble will include in their wonderful program a harp solo, a piano/organ duet, an organ solo, and congregational Christmas carol singing.  A reception will follow the concert.  This is a free event.


AN OPEN HOUSE for Pastor & Lanett Jauss will be held on Thursday, December 27, from 4:00-7:30 PM in our Fellowship Room.  Everyone is invited to come and visit with them!