OUR WCLS FACULTY will be installed/commissioned/reaffirmed during today’s worship: K-Mrs.
Michelle Barnett, 1st-Miss Mary Anne Schneider, 2nd-Mrs. Jean Jack, 3rd-Mrs.
Kim Enzinger, 4th-Mrs. Lindsay Mullis, 5th-Miss Mackenzie
Wells, 6th-Mrs. Jessica Sons,
7th-Miss Julianna Pfeiffer, 8th-Mrs. Micah
McCormick, Principal-Mrs. Whitney Vandercar.
Please keep the faculty and staff in your prayers as they prepare for
the coming school year. A
welcome/fellowship reception will be held after worship. Light refreshments will be served.
SMORGASBORD SURVEYS: Please complete the smorgasbord survey and
drop it in the box in the narthex TODAY so a decision can be made whether or
not to continue to have the smorgasbord.
YOUTH MEAL DEALS: The highest bidders to receive this month’s
Deals will be announced today after worship, and the winners will be able to
pay for/pick up their meal deal at that time.
Many thanks to all for your support which will help with expenses to
attend the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN, next summer!
will be available from the ushers after today’s
THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN will host a Celebrate
Twenty! Open House event this afternoon from 2:00-4:00 pm at the OGT
warehouse in Jonesville. Twenty years
ago OGT began in Seymour by George Bobb, then moved to the Wint farm near
Azalia, and has continued with its move to Jonesville, where dedicated
volunteers serve under the direction of our Lord’s Word to help one
another. Everyone is invited to come and
share in this celebration.
GOLF OUTING: Our Senior High Youth will be sponsoring a
Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course, Seymour, on Saturday, September 29,
beginning at 8:00am. Entry cost is
$65/player, which includes 18 holes with cart and lunch. Registration deadline is Friday, September 7. Registration forms are available in the
narthex and our church office. Prizes will
be awarded and a raffle will be held.
to be a sponsor for the Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour
on Saturday, September 29. They are
seeking event sponsors and donations for raffle prizes. If you would like to be a sponsor or donate
raffle items, please contact Jason Hill at (812-350-2161, jasonhill2005@netscape.net)
or Michelle Barnett (mb_barnett@yahoo.com). All proceeds will go to help with
expenses to attend the 2019 National
Youth Gathering next summer.
families to host two international students, one Japanese male and one
Vietnamese female. Families who have a
student attending Trinity and are willing to host an international student will
receive a $1,000 grant for tuition assistance.
Contact the Trinity office 812-524-8547.
SGO: The Lutheran Scholarship Granting
Organizations (SGO) tuition assistance campaign for the students of Trinity
Lutheran High School has begun! Now is
your opportunity to provide financial assistance to our qualified Trinity
students and receive an Indiana State tax credit equal to 50% of your
contribution to the Lutheran SGO program in the name of Trinity. The Indiana State tax credit is deducted from
the tax liability you would owe the State of Indiana. By contributing to this outstanding program
in the name of our Trinity students you will help change the lives of our
students and provide them with a four-star Lutheran faith-based education
during their formative years. Please email David Probst at
dprobst@trinitycougars.org or call him at (812) 603-7970, for more information,
or to receive help with setting up your donation.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Ephesians 3:20
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than
all that we ask or think….” We often
shortchange God by failing to remember what Paul says here: God can do far more
than what we can think or ask. His
power, and His love, are without bound and without measure. So why do we fear to follow His Word? Isn’t it in fact fear that keeps us back from
a life of joyous generosity and openhandedness?
But God is able to do far more abundantly! So let us not be afraid to take the Lord at
His Word and live according to it.