Monday, August 18, 2014

August 17 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Thorn & Tara Murphy to the glory of God as they were married here at St. John's last evening.  God's blessings to them as they begin their married life together.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather at 5:30 PM this evening at Bob Evans restaurant for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Guests are always welcome to join them!


LADIES BIBLE STUDY- FOOD FOR BODY AND SOUL:  Jean Jack will be hosting a 9 session Bible study for ladies on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM in the Fellowship Room, beginning on September 3.  We are called to be daughters and wives, sisters and friends, mothers and grandmas, volunteers, employees, citizens, and leaders.  Golden Fruit is a study that puts these roles into perspective.  Contact Jean Jack at or 714-768-5731 for more information.  A dinner salad will be served to nourish the body as we study God's Word to nourish the soul.


MANY THANKS TO those who helped with all the picnic details last Sunday.  A special thanks to Chris Newkirk and Annette Purdue for purchasing and preparing the food and cleaning up afterward.  (Mental note-more volunteers needed to help clean up next year!)


SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR:  Our Annual Smorgasbord/Bazaar is coming up on Saturday, September 20.  Sign-up sheets for help and donations will be available after worship today in the narthex.    A "Second Time Around" table will again be featured at the Bazaar for good used items (no clothes, please), so keep that in mind when cleaning out those closets and drawers!

175TH ANNIVERSARY:  The anniversary committee is working on putting together a 2015 calendar that would include historical information as well as photographs over the years.  If you have old pictures we could borrow to look at, please put them in an envelope with your name on it and give it to Becky in the office or Mary Anne Schneider.  The pictures may also be used in our new church directory that we will be doing in December.  Pictures will be returned to you.


BRICKS:  Orders are again being taken for bricks for our sidewalk and memory garden from now through Labor Day.  Cost is $100/brick.  To order, contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp.  Bricks will be placed in October.   If you would like to see design options that are available for the bricks, contact Becky in the church office.


NEW ADDRESS:  Jacob & Emily Hercamp, 109 W. 12th St., Imperial, Nebraska  69033


SEAMSTRESSES:  As the Trinity students prepare to present Annie for their fall musical, volunteers are needed to help sew a variety of costumes.  If you know how to sew and can donate your time, Trinity will provide the material, measurements, and an opportunity for you to be part of an exciting production.  Please call Trinity (812-524-8547) or Head Seamstress Cindy Claycamp (812-216-2225) if you would like to help.  Thanks in advance for using your gifts and talents to serve Trinity's music and drama students!


EVERYONE IS INVITED to come and support the TLHS volleyball team before their game this Friday, August 22, from 5:30-7:30 PM in the school's cafeteria.  Purchase a ticket from any volleyball member and receive a BBQ sandwich, chips, drink, and a dessert for only five dollars!


REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH, Seymour, will be sponsoring its 4th annual Open Car Show next Saturday, August 23, in the Redeemer parking lot.  Registration ($15.00 donation) is from 10:00 AM-Noon.  Awards will be given at 3:00 PM.  Proceeds benefit Redeemer parochial students.


GOLF OUTING:  Trinity Lutheran Church, Vallonia, is sponsoring a golf outing next Saturday, August 23, at the Hickory Hills golf course.  Sign-in begins at 11:00 AM for $50/person.  All proceeds will go to the church's building fund.  For more information, contact Matt Helwig at 812-525-9313.