Monday, January 4, 2016

January 3 Weekly News

THE ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held next Sunday, January 10, 2016, at 1:30 PM in church.  Please note the meeting agenda that is being passed out today. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


ST. JOHN’S FOUNDATION will meet after worship on Sunday, January 17.  Please come to the front pews.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7 PM.


POINSETTIAS:  Those who placed poinsettias on the Altar for Christmas are asked to please take them home TODAY.


ALTAR GUILD HELP IS NEEDED!  Please consider helping with this important part of our church’s ministry.  Duties include setting up for communion and cleaning up the communion ware afterward. Helpers are scheduled for one month and can designate whether they could serve Sundays or Wednesdays (or both) of the month.  Please contact Cari Hercamp (812-528-0547) if you would like to help.  Those who are currently serving are asked to let Cari know what month works best to help in the coming year.


TRINITY DUES:  Our 2016 dues are now due – a special envelope is provided in your offering box.


CHURCH PROFILE SURVEY:  To begin the call process for a new pastor, the Indiana District has requested that we complete a congregational profile.  One part of this profile includes a self-study survey.  We ask that all communicant members please fill out this survey by following the link:  If you do not have web access, there are also paper copies of the survey that are available from the Elders.  Please complete the surveys by January 17.  Paper copies may be turned in at the office or given to any of the Elders.


ALL WCLS STUDENTS are reminded that classes resume tomorrow.  We will not have bussing, as BCSC does not return to class until Tuesday.


TRINITY OPEN HOUSE:  Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to an open house on Friday,   January 8, from 4:00-6:00 PM.  Interested eighth grade students will receive a $75 voucher that covers half of the registration costs at Trinity for the 2016-2017 school year.  Please enter through the commons.

CROSSLIFE MINISTRIES will present Blessed Are the Peacemakers seminar at St. Peter Lutheran Church,  Waymansville, on Saturday, January 16, from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM.                             Participants will learn in this day of Bible study how God can change their attitudes towards conflict and their relationships to others.  Lunch will be provided. Registration fees ($35/person) may be mailed to CrossLife Ministries, 115 W. Church Ave., #9, Seymour, IN  47274.  All registrations need to be received by January 10.  For more information, call the CrossLife Ministries office at 812-522-8440.   

December 27 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Lorenz for leading our worship today.


THERE WILL be no Sunday School or Bible Class today.  Classes will resume as normal next Sunday.


OUR NEW YEAR’S EVE WORSHIP will begin at 7 PM and will include Holy Communion.  Pastor Jung will be leading this worship.


2016 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available in the narthex if you have not yet picked yours up. 


THE CHURCH OFFICE will have flexible hours yet this week due to the Christmas break.  If you need to come in, please call ahead before you make the trip.  Please have all bulletin items to Becky by TOMORROW.


JANUARY CALENDAR/NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.


THE ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held Sunday, January 10, 2016, at 1:30 PM in church.  Mark your calendars!


ALTAR GUILD HELP IS NEEDED!  Please consider helping with this important part of our church’s ministry.  Duties include setting up for communion and cleaning up the communion ware afterward. Helpers are scheduled for one month and can designate whether they could serve Sundays or Wednesdays (or both) of the month.  Please contact Cari Hercamp (812-528-0547) if you would like to help.  Those who are currently serving are asked to let Cari know what month works best to help in the coming year.


CHURCH PROFILE SURVEY:  To begin the call process for a new pastor, the Indiana District has requested that we complete a congregational profile.  One part of this profile includes a self-study survey.  We ask that all communicant members please fill out this survey by following the link:  If you do not have web access, there are also paper copies of the survey that are available from the Elders.  Please complete the surveys by January 17.  Paper copies may be turned in at the office or given to any of the Elders.


TRINITY DUES:  If you have not yet paid your 2015 Trinity dues ($16/confirmed member), please do so as soon as possible. Our 2016 dues will soon be due – a special envelope is provided in your offering box.


MANY THANKS from the faculty/staff of our church and school for the Christmas gifts received from the congregation.  Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated!


CHURCH HISTORY:  On September 4, 1955, our new school and parish hall was dedicated.  The service was led by Pastor Oscar W. Linnemeier.  Pastor Louis W. Schulenburg was the dedication preacher.  T.J. Koch was guest organist.  The school choir and the mixed choir sang.  There was an afternoon program that featured District Superintendent William J. Gernand, BCSC Superintendent Joseph Foust, and Phillip Guy, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction.  The women of the congregation served a luncheon while the young people maintained a refreshment stand.  The Bedford stone building had two classrooms, a library/confirmation instruction room, and restrooms on the main floor.  An auditorium, kitchen, and heating facilities were on the lower level.  The Ladies Aid furnished the kitchen equipment and the tables and chairs.  The cost of the building and the equipment was approximately $44,000.00.  The school enrollment was 54 students.  Don Voelker was the teacher, and Pastor Linnemeier assisted with instruction in the lower grades.  (This is our last church history article – many thanks to Janeen Blomenberg for all her research to provide these weekly news items in observance of our 175th anniversary.)


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  The amount of $46,196.94 is needed yet to meet our budget for 2015.


DISHES from the Schroer funeral lunch (and some from the Smorgasbord) are on the table by the Fellowship Room in the downstairs school hall.  Please pick up today.