Monday, November 6, 2017

November 5 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Tyler & Beth Meyer as they bring their daughter, KATHRYN NICOLE, and Pastor & Jennifer Whitmore as they bring their son, JACOB BENJAMIN, to Holy Baptism this morning.  Kathryn’s sponsors are her uncles and aunts, Matt & Caleh Koeberlein, and Ed & Colleen Koeberlein, and Jacob’s sponsors are family friend, Mary Anne Schneider, and cousin, Hannah Gallup.  God’s blessings to all of them!

ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY: We pause today to remember all those who have gone to their heavenly home, especially those during this past year:  Cheryl Heckman, Bettie Noblitt, Betty McCrory, Bill Thompson, and Tim Brandt.  Please note the memorial display today in the narthex.

SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE STUDY will not meet next Sunday, November 12. Instead, we will give thanks for our many blessings and enjoy pie and fellowship with each other after worship!  Please see Lloyd Meyer in the narthex today to sign up to bring a pie!   

SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin practice for the Christmas program today.  If your child(ren) cannot attend Sunday School that day, but would like to participate in the program, please call Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) or email her at

PIE SUNDAY:  Pie sheets and Christian Growth Cards are still available in the narthex. If you already have a Christian Growth Card, please bring it back next Sunday to be put into a sealed envelope. Next year these cards will be given back to each family so they can see how they did with the goals that they set.

EVERY CONFIRMED MEMBER should have received a Time and Talent Survey upon entering church today.  (If you didn’t receive one, let the Elder know.)  Please take a minute to complete the Survey and return it to the usher when you leave today.  We would like a completed Survey from each confirmed member of our congregation.

THE POPE…. The Word conjures up many different thoughts.  Some say he’s the bishop of Rome and nowhere else.  Others say that he is the true earthly head of the Christian Church.  Still others say that he is the antichrist.  What do we with one voice believe and confess about the office of Pope?  As we meet for Bible study beginning November 19, we will begin looking into what our confessions say about this office.  Hope to see you there!  In Christ, Pastor Whitmore. 

THE LUTHERAN WITNESS:  Persons who would like to order/renew their subscription to The Lutheran Witness may contact Becky in the church office.  Cost for the year subscription is $19.  Checks may be made payable to our church.  Order deadline is next Sunday, November 12.

YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00 p.m.

THE CHURCH COUNCIL AND STEWARDSHIP BOARD will meet this Thursday, November 9, at 6:30 p.m.  Pastor Phil Krupski from the LCMS Foundation will be presenting information regarding the possibility of setting up a foundation for our school through the LCMS Foundation.  You are urged to please attend.

BUILDING FUND UPDATE: As of October 31, the balance of our “Arise and Build” school expansion loan was $16,228.60.  Envelopes for any remaining pledges/contributions are available in the narthex.

WCLS 18TH ANNUAL BASKET BINGO NIGHT will be held this Friday, November 10, in our gym.  Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. with Bingo starting at 6:30 p.m.  Tickets are still available from any WCLS student or through our school office - $20/person for 20 games.

MANY THANKS to everyone who made every aspect of our celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation a resounding success!  A special thank-you to Thrivent for the financial support and to Lester Otte and Pork Producers for providing the pork burgers.

THANK YOU for your support of the Orphan Grain Train Backpack Project.  As part of our Reformation Celebration, the kids filled 50 backpacks that will be shipped overseas, complete with special cards they made themselves.  The kids were excited to help others who do not have what we tend to take for granted!

A BIG THANK-YOU to the Foundation for the funding for our new copier and for helping with the expense of our new wireless network system – two much-needed great improvements!

VETERANS’ DAY PROGRAM: Trinity Lutheran High School is hosting is Annual Veterans’ Day Program this Friday, November 10 at 10:00 a.m. with a light reception following.  This year will include a special recognition of local veterans and those who serve in the Indiana National Guard.  If you are an Indiana veteran and would like to be included in the program’s slideshow presentation, please send a scanned photo along with your name, rank, military branch, and years of service to  The public is invited – thank you for helping us recognize those who have served our country.  Please call the Trinity office (812-524-8547 with any questions.

GERMAN HERITAGE EVENT:  Guest speaker, Ken Selking, will give two presentations about Pastor Wyneken next Sunday, November 12, at St. Paul, Clifty.  Wyneken was a Lutheran pastor in Germany who came to America in 1838 to serve people on the frontier (Indiana).  There will be a church service at 8:00 a.m., followed by a coffee hour and the presentation beginning at 9:30 a.m.  The second service will begin at 10:45 a.m., followed by the Girl Scout Chili Cook-off/Lunch at 12:00.  A second presentation will begin at 1:00 p.m.  Everyone is welcome to come for all or part of the day.

ST. JOHN’S, SAUERS, Annual Turkey & Ham Supper and Ladies Aid Bazaar will be held this evening, 4:00-7:00 p.m.  A free-will offering will be received, and carry-outs will be available.

EMANUEL, DUDLEYTOWN, will host its Harvest Festival next Sunday, November 12, from 3:30-7:00 p.m.  A free-will offering will be received and carry-outs available.  A bazaar offering crafts and baked goods will also be featured.

“LEGACY OF FAITH” is the theme for the 13th Annual Lakeview Dinner Auction, which will be held on Saturday, November 18, at the Primo Banquet Hall & Conference Center in Indianapolis.  Tickets are $50/person or a table of 8 for $400.  Contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 to get information on how to get half price tickets!  All proceeds benefit God’s work being done at Lakeview Ministries.  For more information, call the camp office or email

1518 – Philip Melanchthon comes to Wittenberg University
·         Heidelberg Disputation, April
·         Process against Luther begins in Rome
·         Luther appears before Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg, Oct.-Nov.
·         Luther appeals to General Council, refuses to recant
·         Frederick the Wise refuses to surrender Luther, December
1519 – Ulrich Zwingli begins preaching on the New Testament
·         Charles V elected Holy Roman Emperor, June 28
·         Leipzig Debate between Luther and Eck, July

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is sponsoring a donation drawing, Tickets for Textbooks.  For every $20 donated, a ticket will be placed in a drawing for one of three items – a 2018 Ranger Polaris XP 900 EPS, a Tikka T3K Hunter .308 caliber rifle, or an LG 55” Ultra HD 4K Smart HDTV.  Donate $100 and get 6 tickets (buy 5, get 1 free).  See our Trinity representatives, Sue Voelker or Tom Schroer, to make your donation or check at any of Trinity’s upcoming sporting events.  The drawing will be held at the home boys’ basketball game on Friday, December 8, at 7:30 p.m.

ITEMS MAY BE BROUGHT yet today to the Aluminum Can Drive.  The trailer is parked on the south side of church.  Our school’s WCA sponsors this project.  Many thanks for supporting this effort!

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:    Matt. 5:7              
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”  This is one of many Bible passages that remind us that we reap what we sow.  Likewise, what God puts into us (His own love, mercy, kindness, and generosity) – flows back out of us.  For it all starts with His self-giving!