Monday, January 16, 2017

January 15 Weekly News

WE COME IN PRAYER:  Eternal God, our Father, Whose Son, Jesus, brings deliverance n fulfillment of Your promises; grant us open ears, eyes, and hearts to recognize and receive Your Son as the Word made flesh, that we may be released from the bondage to sin.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


PASTOR WHITMORE’S INSTALLATION will be held this afternoon at 4:00 p.m.  A welcoming reception and pitch-in meal will follow the service. Members are asked to bring a large side dish (to help accommodate guests attending) to share for the meal.  Meat, drinks, and table service will be provided.


THE SCHOOL FUNDING COMMITTEE has set up Focus Group Meetings starting today and going on throughout January to provide members with information regarding funding White Creek Lutheran School’s program.  If you have not yet signed up or attended, please check the sheets in the narthex today for the various times offered and sign up for a time to attend that fits in your schedule. 


SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE SUNDAY is being observed today to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion, and commit to protect human life at every stage.  Please note the insert included in today’s bulletin.


COIN COLLECTION:  As we celebrate the value and dignity of every     human life, everyone in the congregation is encouraged to give a special    offering toward Clarity Pregnancy Services.  Next Sunday, please give 1 coin (any amount) for each year of your life in thanksgiving for the life God has blessed you with.  A basket will be in the narthex to receive this collection. These funds will be given to Clarity, so together, we can share the truth of life with women and men facing unplanned pregnancies here in our community.


YOUTH GROUPS will not meet this evening.


THE ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING will be held next Sunday, January 22, at 1:30 p.m.  Election of officers for 2017 will be among the business at hand.  All confirmed members of our congregation are encouraged to attend.


SENIOR LEAGUE will meet next Sunday evening, January 22, at 5:30 p.m. for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


PLEASE KEEP IN MIND our commitment of $16/communicant member for Trinity Lutheran High School.  A special offering envelope is included in your 2017 offering box.


ST. PAUL, CLIFTY, Early Childhood Ministry will recognize Mrs. Karen Kruger for her 25 years of service in teaching at their school next Sunday,  January 22.  Mrs. Kruger will be recognized at a luncheon following the  service.  Cards and notes of congratulations from friends and former students are welcome and may be sent to St. Paul Lutheran ECM, 6045 E. State St., Columbus, IN  47201.


ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH, Waymansville, will be sponsoring a Soup & Sandwich Supper and Euchre Party on Sunday, January 29.  The  supper will begin at 5:00 p.m. ($5/person) with Euchre following at 6:30 p.m. (also $5/person).  All proceeds will go to support mission projects of St. Peter.  Everyone invited.