WE COME IN PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You have commanded us to instruct our children in Your ways. We give You thanks this day for all fathers, mothers, grandparents, guardians, and the teachers of our school who joyfully accept this task and pass the truth on to the next generation of the faithful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS are given in thanksgiving and celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Lester & Marsha Otte TODAY by their children and grandchildren. May God grant you many more happy years together, Lester & Marsha!
WE WISH GOD’S BLESSINGS TO Mr. James (Jay) Noelker as he is installed this morning as teacher at our White Creek Lutheran School and to our faculty and staff as they are dedicated to service also this morning.
A BIBLE STUDY SURVEY was emailed to members this past week. Please return your responses by email or to the church office by next Sunday, July 31. Hard copies of this survey are available in the narthex for those who do not have email access. This survey is an attempt to increase knowledge about Bible Study opportunities here at St. John’s and encourage members to be in His Word. Please give this survey your prayerful consideration.
B.A.S.I.C will not meet this evening due to schedule conflicts. Watch the August calendar for the next get-together.
THE CALL COMMITTEE will meet this Tuesday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Bible Study and meeting this Wednesday, July 27, at 9:00 AM. Guests are always welcome to join them!
SCHOOL PARENTS are reminded of White Creek Lutheran School registration for grades 3-8 this Friday, July 29, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 5:30-7:00 p.m. Teachers of kindergarten through second grade students will make a home visit to those students.
TRINITY DUES: If you have not yet given your Trinity dues ($16/communicant member), please do so as soon as possible. A special envelope is provided in your offering envelope box.
ANYONE INTERESTED in sharing their musical talents at the upcoming Church Picnic on August 21 by singing or playing an instrument are asked to contact Greg Hercamp at 812-525-7255.
MEMORY BRICKS are available to order now through Labor Day ($100/brick). Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if interested in ordering. Check with Becky in the office if you would like to see engraving designs.
AN EVANGELISM CONFERENCE will be held at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Avon on September 9 and 10 with the theme, “Confessing Christ in a Contrary Culture.” Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., President of Concordia Theological Seminary, will be the keynote speaker. Cost per person is $45 which includes a dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday. After August 26, registration will be $55 per person. A conference schedule and registration forms are available in our church office.