Monday, October 29, 2018

October 28 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Logan & Emila Fowler as they bring their daughter, JOSALYNNE MARIE, to be baptized today.  Josalynne’s sponsors are her uncle and aunt, Paul & Amy Blomenberg (in absentia) and family friends, Matthew & Sarah Lewis.  God’s blessings to you, Josalynne!

PIE SUNDAY: Pie sheets are included in today’s bulletin.  Please complete your pie sheet (you may also color it if you like!) and return it so it can be posted on the windows in the narthex.  A Christian Growth Card is also being given to each family of our congregation and is intended to help each family sit down and consider what gifts God has given to them and what they are doing with those gifts.  These will then be put into sealed envelopes to be put in a basket in the church on Pie Sunday, November 11.  Also on Pie Sunday, please bring your favorite pie to share after worship as we enjoy a delicious dessert and fellowship with our church family.  

NOVEMBER CALENDAR/NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.

THIS WEEK’S SCHOOL CHAPEL will be a special service celebrating The Day of Reformation.  Our school’s 2nd grade class will be singing during the service.  Everyone is invited to join us at 8:00am this Wednesday!

THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet after worship next Sunday, November 4.  Please meet at the front pews.

TRUNK OR TREAT:  St. Paul’s, Jonesville, would like to invite everyone to come to St. Paul’s parking lot TODAY from 5:00-7:00pm for treats!  This Trunk or Treat event will include pizza, apple cider, and caramel apples, as well as various games and activities.  Costumes (appropriate for a church event) are encouraged for the young and young at heart!

THE 36TH ANNUAL Arts & Crafts Show, sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid #3 will be held next Saturday, November 3, from 9:00am-3:00pm in the Immanuel School Gym, Seymour.  Holiday and everyday handcrafted items will be featured.  Lunch will be available.

LUTHERAN HERITAGE SPEAKER, Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz will be presenting Religious Liberty in America and the Proclamation of the Gospel at Grace Lutheran Church, Columbus, next Saturday, November 3.  Dr. Seltz is the Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C. and a former Lutheran Hour speaker.  He will discuss biblical teachings that address the needs of our culture and mission of the Church.  The evening will begin with a potluck meal (bring a side dish to share) at 5:30pm, followed by the keynote address at 6:15pm and a question and discussion time at 7:30pm.  Everyone is invited, and babysitting will be provided.
TICKETS FOR The 14TH Annual Lakeview Dinner Auction, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21) to be held at the Primo Banquet Hall & Conference Center in Indianapolis on Saturday, November 17, are now available.  Tickets are $50/person or $400/table of 8.  All proceeds benefit God’s work done at Lakeview Ministries.  To purchase tickets or to receive more information, visit or contact Lakeview Ministries at 812-342-4815 or by email at office@lakeview

MISSING: A large blue bowl and a Tupperware pie carrier from the Smorgasbord.  If found, please leave in the Fellowship Room.