Monday, December 3, 2018

December 2 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Jung for leading our worship this morning while Pastor Whitmore & family are in Fort Wayne for the baptism of Pastor’s nephew.

who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?”  Most of us have sung these words.  As we gaze on this Child sleeping on His mother’s lap, we know that He is the great I AM.  He is God in the flesh.  During our Advent midweek services this year, we will be meditating on the theme:  “I AM: God in the Flesh-Feared, Hated, Adored” as we look in John’s Gospel and hear Jesus claiming the words I AM for Himself.  Join us Wednesday nights at 7:00 as we gaze upon our Savior who comes to us and contemplate who He claims to be.  This Wednesday, the Guild will be serving ham, rolls, salads, and desserts before worship, beginning at 5:45pm.   Please note that there will be no communion on Wednesday evenings during Advent.  Communion will be celebrated December 2, 9, 16, 25, and 31.

REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR:  Today, the first Sunday in Advent, is the day to put your first gift in your Reverse Advent Calendar grocery bag.  If you did not get a bag last Sunday, but would still like to participate in this activity, you may use any bag or box that you have.  From today until December 23, you can add another gift to your bag/box, using the Reverse Advent Calendar that is on the back of our church’s December calendar as a guide for ideas.  (Extra copies are available in the narthex.)  The grocery bags are due back on Sunday, December 23, and will be delivered to Turning Point Shelter on Monday, December 24. 

A SERVICE OF CAROLS AND READINGS will be held for our 4:30pm Christmas Eve worship.  Anyone who would like to join the choir to sing at this special service is invited to participate.  It’s not too late to join!  Practices will held 5:00-6:15pm before the Midweek Advent Worships, December 5, 12, 19.  Call/text Lori Hill (812-350-1474) if you would like to participate.

THE ELDERS will meet this Wednesday evening after the Advent worship.

OUR YOUTH will be sponsoring a Christmas Cookie Sale next Sunday, December 9, after worship.  Come and get some Christmas goodies!  Proceeds will go to help with their trip to the Youth Gathering next summer.

POINSETTIAS:  If you would like to place poinsettias on the altar for Christmas, please contact Becky by next Sunday, December 9.  If you would like to order through Becky, price is $16.50, or persons may purchase their own.

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY (local only – 25 cents/card) will again be provided by our youth on Saturday, December 15, so cards need to be in the box in the narthex before that date.

CHRISTMAS CANDY TREATS:  Monetary donations for the children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to the elder/usher on duty or to Joanie Otte by Sunday, December 16.

“AS WE PREPARE to celebrate the birth of our King, you are all invited to a Christmas Party at the Parsonage on Sunday, December 23, from 2:00-5:00pm.  No need to bring anything.  Come as early or as late as you would like – stay for as long as you would like.  There will be plenty of food and drink.  We look forward to seeing you.” – The Whitmore Family

CHRISTMAS EVE PRESERVICE MUSIC:  If you would like to share your musical talents (singing or playing an instrument) for the preservice music on Christmas Eve (5:30pm), please contact Lori Hill, 812-350-1474.

THE BETHLEHEM WALK will be held at Prince of Peace, Martinsville, next Saturday, December 8, 5:00-8:00pm (20 minute intervals).  Tickets are free, but call the church at 765-342-2004 to reserve your spot.  Cookies and hot chocolate will be served in the church fellowship hall after the Walk.

A CHRISTMAS CONCERT will be presented at St. Paul, Clifty, by the Second Presbyterian Church Beecher Singers and Orchestra on Sunday, December 16, at 7:00pm.  A pre-concert harp recital will begin at 6:40pm.  Admission is free – everyone is cordially invited.

THE LOVE CHAPEL was very appreciative of the over 900 pounds of food donated at Thanksgiving.  Good to share our blessings!

IT’S NOT TOO LATE!  The Lutheran SGO program currently has $7.2 million in Indiana State Tax Credits left for donors to provide a tuition assistance gift to the Lutheran SGO program in the name of Trinity and receive a 50% Indiana State Tax Credit for the total amount of their donation.  So far, Trinity has received $142,000 of the $260,000 goal in tuition assistance through the Lutheran SGO program for this year.  Please email David Probst at or call him at 812-603-7970 for more information or to receive help in setting up a tuition donation for Trinity students.

KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS those who are in situations of domestic violence.  God says in the 5th Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.  What does this mean?  We should fear and love God that we may not hurt nor harm our neighbor in his body, but help and befriend him in every bodily need.  (Luther’s Small Catechism)