WE REJOICE WITH James & Michele Rockhill as they
bring their daughter, HATTIE JO, to be baptized this morning. Hattie's sponsors are her uncle and aunt,
David & Whitney Vandercar. God's
blessings to you, Hattie!
Lenten season will begin with Ash Wednesday on February 13. Lenten midweek worship will begin at 7 PM
that evening and will include the
imposition of ashes. The Guild
will be sponsoring a chicken casserole supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.
THE JUNIOR YOUTH will meet briefly after church today
to make plans for the upcoming Lock-In on February 22-23.
Our school will be sponsoring a brunch after church and continuing after
Sunday School and Bible Class next Sunday, February 10. The menu will include breakfast casseroles,
breakfast sausage, sweet breads, fruit, and drinks. A free-will offering will be received, with
all proceeds going to our scholarship fund, which offers assistance to those
families who do not receive any tuition support from their congregation.
Mark your calendars for March 3 and plan on attending the annual Spring
Banquet of the LLL Zone 12, which will be held at St. John's, Sauers,
gymnasium. Sean Harlow will be the
speaker. He is a trained missionary of
the LCMS and has served in the mission field and will soon be going to the
Philippines and Taiwan. Tickets are $12,
with all proceeds being donated to Mr. Harlow's mission trip. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM, with
devotions at 5:50 PM, followed by the meal (catered by Patty Hercamp),
entertainment, elections, and the speaker.
Child care will be available. For
tickets or additional information, contact Eric Scheidt at 812-579-5816.
A NOTE OF THANKS has been received from the Pregnancy
Care Center for the donation of $46.58 from our recent Penny Collection.
MANY THANKS TO ALL who donated to the Rediker family
last Sunday. A total of $546 was
collected and forwarded to them to help with expenses as Adam battles Burkitt's
TLHS invites students and their families
to its final open house on Sunday, February 10, from 2:00-4:00 PM. All eighth grade students will be entered in
a drawing to win a Trinity t-shirt.
Interested eighth grade students will also receive a $75 voucher that
covers half of the registration costs at Trinity for the 2013-2014 school year. Please enter through the commons.
ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, Seymour, will be sponsoring its annual Ham & Turkey Supper next Sunday,
February 10, from 4:00 - 7:00 PM. A
free-will donation will be received.
Everyone invited.
A Retirement & Estate Strategies Workshop, sponsored by Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans, will be held here in our Fellowship Room on Thursday,
March 14, at 6:00 PM. Guest speaker will
be Aaron Lanteigne, a financial consultant with 16 years experience. This workshop is hosted by local Indiana
South Central Associates, Keith Mensendiek and Aldona Reid. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Call Kristin at 317-519-5635 to reserve a
place for you and a guest.
men who love the outdoors and would like to share a weekend of faith, fun, and
fellowship are invited to the Men’s Rendezvous at Camp Lakeview’s Lakeview
Villages April 5-7. Pastor Ed Keinath
will be the main speaker, and Pastor Cook, James Rockhill, and Bryan Schroer
will be among those leading special sectionals.
Registrations received by March 15 will receive $10 off the retreat
cost. Brochures with the registration
form are available on the bulletin board in the front school hall, or persons
may contact David Vandercar at
812-498-4742 or dvandercar@gmail.com or Matt Riley at 812-343-8553 or