we give thanks to God
for conquering death on our behalf.
Today, on this All Saints' Sunday, we remember those from our
congregation whom He has called home to the fullness of life in His presence
this past year: Hilda Dettmer, Ruby
Lange, and Shirley Enzinger
YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7 PM.
GUILD MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this
Wednesday, November 7, at 6 PM in the Fellowship Room. New members are always welcome!
A LETTER WAS RECEIVED this past week from Jacob Hercamp,
our seminarian student at Fort Wayne, thanking the congregation for the many
prayers on his behalf. The letter is
posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school. His school address is Box 150, 6600 N.
Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46825 if you
would like to send him greetings/words of encouragement.
JEFF VICKOUS is currently on military duty in
Kuwait. His address is SFC, Vickous,
Jeff HHC 38th Sustainment BDE Camp Arifjan APO, AE
09366 if you would like to send him greetings/words of encouragement.
BASKET BINGO NIGHT: The 13th annual Basket Bingo Night is
planned for Friday, November 16. Doors
will open at 5:30 PM, with bingo to begin at 6:30 PM. Tickets are now on sale
for $20 if prepaid before the event or $25 at the door. See any WCLS student to purchase tickets. Also needed are sponsors, individuals or businesses, who are interested in supporting this fundraising effort with a monetary donation
or a raffle prize donation to help defray some of the expenses of the
evening. If interested in making a donation,
contact Lisa McGaha (522-8343).
FORCES: A sheet listing needed items for our troops
is available in the narthex. These items
will be gathered and shipped out for the Christmas holiday. Please consider sending in items to help with
this project and let our soldiers know they have our support! A box will be in the front hall of school and
in the church narthex to receive items.
The items will be prepared for shipment on Saturday, December 8, in our
Fellowship Room.
TRINITY MUSICAL: The drama department of Trinity Lutheran High
School will present its fall musical, “Annie Get Your Gun,” this Thursday
–Sunday, November 8-11, at 7 PM each evening, with an added performance at 3 PM
next Sunday, November 11. Tickets are
$10/person and are available through the Trinity school office.
"A BIG THANK-YOU to our White Creek family for the
gift cards and notes of appreciation. We
feel very blessed to be a part of this amazing congregation!" - Pastor
Cook & Family and Pastor Brandt
A 9x13 pan with a bright pink rubber lid. Belongs to Kay Niemoeller. If found, please bring to the church office.
AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this coming
Friday-Sunday, November 9-11. A trailer
will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.
ST. JOHN'S SAUERS will hold its annual Turkey & Ham
Supper and Bazaar this evening from 4:00-7:00 PM. A free-will offering will be received, and
carry-out service is available. Everyone
will sponsor its annual Harvest Festival next Sunday, November 11, from
3:30-7:00 PM. Carry-out is available - a
free-will offering will be received. (A
lift has been installed to make easier access to their lower level.) Everyone invited.