Monday, November 5, 2018

November 4 Weekly News

ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY: “With angels, archangels, and with all the company of heaven…”  When we gather around the altar of the Lord in His House, we pray and praise God with “all the company of heaven.”  Those we have lost in the Lord are not truly lost to us – they have simply entered their rest with the Lord.  As we gather to worship our Lord, we gather along with them.  On the Last Day, everything that God has given into the care of our stewardship will fade away – everything except our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Caring for one another in love and grace is our highest calling.
We pause today to remember all those who have gone to their heavenly home, especially during this past year:  Dale Burbrink, Dallas Kreinhagen, Maxine Snyder, Kathryn Taulman, and Herb Stiltz.  Please note the memorial display today in the narthex.

THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet after worship TODAY.  Please meet at the front pews.
PIE SUNDAY: Pie sheets are still available in the narthex.  Please pick one up and complete it (you may also color it if you like!) and return it so it can be posted on the windows in the narthex.  A Christian Growth Card is also available in the narthex if you did not get one last Sunday.  These are being given to help each family sit down and consider what gifts God has given to them and what they are doing with those gifts.  These will be put into sealed envelopes to be put in a basket in the church next week, Pie Sunday, November 11.  A pie sign-up sheet is in the narthex – sign up today to bring your favorite pie to share after worship next Sunday as we enjoy a delicious dessert and fellowship with our church family.  (No SS/BC that day)

YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00pm.

THE SCHOOL FOUNDATION COMMITTEE will meet this Tuesday, November 6, at 6:00pm.

THE ELDERS will meet this Wednesday, November 7, after worship. 

THE LUTHERAN WITNESS is the flagship magazine of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod that offers synodical news, reports from Lutherans around the world, feature articles, a Bible study, and much more.  It is order/renewal time for 2019.  To continue subscriptions or order a new subscription, let Becky know by next Sunday, November 11.  Subscription cost for 2019 is $19.00.  If paying by check, please make payable to our church.  

TICKETS are now available for the WCLS 19th Annual Basket Bingo Night to be held this Friday, November 9, in our school gym.  Doors will open at 5:30pm, with Bingo starting at 6:30pm.  Tickets are $20 and may be purchased from any WCLS student or through our office.

TOY DRIVE:  White Creek Lutheran School is collecting new or gently used toys (it is requested that individuals not spend over $20), which will be given to the Columbus Firemen’s Cheer Fund and distributed through their organization.  This Toy Drive is being held now through Tuesday, November 20, and toys may be dropped off in the collection box by the front door in the school hall.  Help our school bring joy to the kids of Columbus by donating!

TICKETS FOR The 14TH Annual Lakeview Dinner Auction, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21) to be held at the Primo Banquet Hall & Conference Center in Indianapolis on Saturday, November 17, are available.  Tickets are $50/person or $400/table of 8.  All proceeds benefit God’s work done at Lakeview Ministries.  To purchase tickets or to receive more information, visit or contact Lakeview Ministries at 812-342-4815 or by email at office@lakeview

A SOUP DINNER & EUCHRE PARTY will be sponsored by our Youth Group on Sunday, November 25, in our school cafeteria/gym.  Serving will begin at 5:30pm ($5/person), and euchre will start at 6:15pm ($5/person).  Everyone is invited – all proceeds will go to help with trip expenses to the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in Minneapolis next summer.

MISSING: A large blue bowl and a Tupperware pie carrier from the Smorgasbord.  If found, please leave in the Fellowship Room.

THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT of  Trinity Lutheran High School will present its fall musical, “Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat” this Thursday –Sunday, November 8-11.  Evening performances begin at 7 PM, with an afternoon performance at 3 PM next Sunday, November 11.  Tickets are $10/person and are available through the Trinity school office.

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO the 8th Annual Veteran’ Day Program at Trinity Lutheran High School on Monday, November 12, at 10:00am.  A reception will follow for guests and veterans.
DESSERT DONATIONS: The Trinity Lutheran High School auction committee is looking for donations for the silent dessert auction and we need your help to make this a success! If you have a favorite dessert you would like to donate for the auction, please contact (call, text, or email) Jill Baumgartel @ 812-530-7095, or Holly Sawyer @ 812-528-0645,  and let them know what dessert you would like to donate by Sunday, November 18th. Your name & dessert will be featured in the auction catalog.  (*This is a donation that will be included in the auction, not used as a dessert for the supper.)

St. John’s, Sauers, Ham & Turkey Supper and Ladies Aid Bazaar, TODAY, November 4, 4:00-7:00pm, free will offering and carry-outs vailable.                                                                                   Emmanuel Lutheran, Dudleytown, Supper & Bazaar, next Sunday, November 11, 3:30-7:00pm, free will donation, carry-outs available and a lift available to access the lower level.

THE ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE is being held yet today.  The trailer is parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.

                                TBLESSINGS ON YOUR WEEK! T