Monday, May 20, 2013

May 19 Weekly News

TODAY WE OBSERVE Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form of tongues of fire.  Pentecost comes from the Greek word, pentekostos,  which means fifty (in this case fifty days after Easter).


TODAY IS the last day of Sunday School and Bible Class for the summer.  Classes will begin again the Sunday after Labor Day, September 8.  Many thanks to Matt Riley, superintendent, and all the teachers and helpers for their time and dedication!


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS will TODAY after Sunday School and Bible Class.


PARISH HALL TOUR:  St. Paul's, Jonesville, has invited us to come and tour their new Parish Hall TODAY at 11:30 AM.  All interested persons invited.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet at the IHOP restaurant at West Hill THIS EVENING at 5:30 PM for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


JUNE CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting this Wednesday, May 22, beginning at 9 AM.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, "River of Life-Part 2," will be held Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6, from 6:00-8:15 PM each evening.  Registration forms are available in the narthex and need to be returned by next Sunday, May 26.  Helpers are needed for various capacities - see Pastor Cook or contact Becky in the church office if you would be able to help!


THE PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK was a huge success!  The White Creek walk raised $4,150 that will go directly to Phil's Friends to help fund their mission of "Providing Christ-centered support and hope to those afflicted with cancer."  A special thanks to those who walked, donated, and helped make this possible!  What a blessing that this congregation gave so generously to share the love of Christ to those in need!


OPEN HOUSE: Summertime is time for CAMP!  You are invited to Camp Lakeview's Annual Open House on Sunday, June 2.  Opening worship will begin at 11:00 AM with guest speaker Rev. Brad Hubbard from St. Mark Lutheran, Battle Creek, MI.  The service will be followed by a delicious picnic lunch and other afternoon activities including tours of the new Lakeview Village Lodge and campsite, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, zip-line, swimming, miniature golf, and more.  Come on out and see all the new exciting things growing up at camp.  Everyone is welcome!  For directions or more information, call the camp at 812-342-4815 or visit the website at


VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED to help with our pipe organ restoration.  Work begins around 9:00 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at Janeen Blomenberg's garage.  Lots of help is needed and appreciated!


IF ANYONE HAS (or knows of someone who has) any pictures of the original pipe organ that was in our church in the 1940s, please bring them in to the church office.


"MANY THANKS to all for the prayers, cards, and phone calls given for me as I recuperated from my recent surgery.  It sure helps to make one feel better knowing that the church families are thinking of you at this time.  Thanks to Pastor Cook for the comfort he gave me.  All of your kindnesses are certainly appreciated!" - Jane Hoffman


"MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S:  A heartfelt thank-you for all the cards and words of congratulations, gift cards, gifts, donations in my name, Kindle and generous gift card (I am very excited about learning to use my Kindle!), neat tree picture, and beautiful quilt.  My words are so inadequate to express how grateful I am for the wonderful retirement celebration and reception you gave me.  I thank my God every time I remember you. Phil. 1:3" -  In Christ, Mrs. Kay Clow