Friday, April 29, 2011

URGENT NEED: Spring Tornado Relief

On April 27, in what the National Weather Service called a “tragically
historic day of tornadic activity and severe weather,” hundreds of tornadoes
ripped across the South, killing more than 290 people, demolishing homes
and destroying belongings.

Alabama and Mississippi suffered the most. “There are hardly words to
describe the damage,” said Rev. Glenn Merritt, director of Disaster Response
with LCMS World Relief and Human Care (WR-HC). In Cullman, Ala., St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church and its accompanying school experienced extensive

As assessment of need continues, the LCMS stands ready to assist, bringing
“mercy and reassurance to our members, districts and congregations,” says

Your gifts provide LCMS WR-HC with the capacity to supply food, drink
and shelter as well as the comfort and consolation of the Gospel. Please join
us in praying for and financially supporting those who have lost so much and
who are in profound need of the comfort of the Gospel.


Pray: Please pray for those who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods.
Please pray that Lutheran disaster-response efforts bring comfort to those
who so desperately need Christ’s mercy.
Connect: To learn more, visit, or find us on
Facebook and Twitter.
Give: Donations are urgently needed. Your gifts will support disaster response
efforts to Lutherans in the affected areas.
• Mail checks (noting “Tornado Relief” in the memo line) to:
LCMS World Relief and Human Care
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis MO  63166-6861
• phone toll-free 888-930-4438  • Go online to
Any funds not needed for this relief effort will be used for other disaster purposes as determined 
by LCMS World Relief and Human Care. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted 
by law.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Sermons

Was it necessary?
Was all that suffering, violence and death really necessary?
YES, and by this action that seems weak to the world, Jesus "cut open the belly of death!"
Listen to Pastor Cook's Easter Sunrise sermon here.

Go quickly
Jesus died and rose again, and His children go quickly to share the good news.  With our own eyes we shall see Him again, because He conquered death and the grave for us!  Even now, He meets us "on the road," through Word and Sacrament.  He is risen indeed!
Listen to Pastor Cook's Easter sermon here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 24 Weekly News

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, April 27, beginning with the workday at 9 AM, followed by devotions and the business meeting at 11 AM and lunch at noon. Guests always welcome!

THANKS to the Youth Group for providing a time of nourishment and fellowship at the Easter breakfast this morning after the sunrise service!

“MANY THANKS TO all for the cards you have sent to me, especially for my birthday. It’s such a blessing to be remembered by my White Creek family!” – Tillie Bode

A BIG THANK-YOU TO Karen Schlehuser for her creative talents in beautifying our altar and narthex for Easter. We appreciate you, Karen!

“WE WOULD LIKE TO thank each and every one of you for all your thoughts and prayers, visits, and delicious food. We are so blessed to have such an amazing church family. A very special thank-you to Pastor Cook (such a jewel!) for his spiritual guidance and comfort. We also want to say thank-you for all the beautiful flowers and wonderful memorials. Alan would have been so honored!” Love – Terry, Ruth, and Betsy

SPRING FLOWERS for the altar and narthex have been given in loving memory of the following:
*Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family
*Mary Louis Schroer by Norman Schroer & Family
*Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink &
*Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville & Edna Bode,
Glen & Steve Bode by Dale & Bettie Burbrink
*Bernice Bode by Ken Bode & Family
*Chet & Edna Bode by Ken Bode & Family
*Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer,
Ken & Sharon Dettmer, Jim & Sherie Dettmer
*Robert & Olga Behrman, Jasper Musillami by Mike
& Ruth Musillami
*Alan Schlehuser (1st Easter in heaven) and Henry
Roettger by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser
*Alan Schlehuser, Rev. O.W. Linnemeier, Don
Linnemeier, Bob & Erna Schlehuser by Leon & Joan Schlehuser
*Russell & Margaret Foster, Bob & Erna Schlehuser
by Jim & Karen Schlehuser
*Alan Schlehuser by Uncle Jim & Aunt Karen
*Ed & Mary Hoffman by Max Hoffman
*Herbert Meyer by Mariagnes Meyer
*Bill & Donna Dummer and Edgar & Vera Buss by
the Buss Family

Fish Fry / Silent Auction

Friday, April 29 · 4:00pm - 8:00pm

Hope Moravian Church (on SR 9 in Hope)

Created By:
Jeanne Lienhoop

More Info:
Event is free will offering to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

Sponsored by team “KRISTIE’S KREW”, participating in the Hope Relay for Life.

Walking in honor of our coworker, family member and friend, Kristie (Schroer) Wessel who is fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Hope is June 11th-12th.

The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Hope is June 11th-12th.
Celebrate, Remember, & Fight Back!