Monday, March 5, 2012

Prayer request

Karen Burbrink's sister, Wanda, passed away during the night. She had been battling cancer.

Please pray for comfort and hope for the family.

March 4 Weekly News

LENT CONTINUES with midweek worship Wednesday at 7 PM. The Guild will be serving a chicken tetrazinni supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.

PARENTS OF this year’s eighth grade confirmands are asked to meet today after worship.

GUILD MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this evening at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room. Please bring 2 dozen cookies and 4 pieces of fruit for the college students/shut-ins baskets.

LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK: This week we celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week. Thanks are given to God for the many blessings He has bestowed on our school, including this congregation whose prayers and financial support enable our students to attend our Christian day school!

BOARD OF EDUCATION members are reminded of their meeting next Sunday, March 11, after worship.

CAMP LAKEVIEW will be dedicating the new Main Lodge at Lakeview Villages to the glory of God during a worship service at 2:00 PM TODAY. The guest speaker will be Pastor Daniel May, President of the LCMS Indiana District. Cake and refreshments will be served. Come out and see this wonderful new addition to the camp’s ministry! For directions or more information, visit the camp’s website at

A BIG WELCOME TO Sheonia Warnock and her daughter, Emma, who have joined us in church membership from Zion Lutheran, Seymour. Emma is a kindergarten student in our school. They live in the Ogilville area. Offer your hand in friendship and introduce yourself!

“MANY THANKS TO everyone for the prayers, cards, phone calls, and words of encouragement during my recent eye surgery. Praise to God for such a smooth recovery!” – Marguerite Meyer

TLHS VARIETY SHOW: As part of the celebration of National Lutheran Schools Week, Trinity Lutheran High School will be having a Variety Show this Friday, March 9, beginning at 7 PM in the high school gymnasium. The cost is $5 per person. The night will provide lots of laughter and entertainment for all ages! Everyone invited.