Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Phil & Crista Burbrink as they bring their daughter, JULIA CORRINE, to be baptized this morning. Julia’s sponsors are her grandfather, Robert Burbrink, and family friend, Michelle Barnett. God’s blessings to you, Julia!

OUR WORSHIP SERVICES are available on DVD or cassette tape. A tape player is available for the cassettes. See Fred Condra. If using these items, please return them in a timely manner to Fred so they can be shared with others.

SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR: It’s not too late to sign up to donate and/or help at our annual smorgasbord/bazaar this coming Saturday. See Annette Purdue. Take this opportunity to enjoy good food and fun fellowship working with your church family!

BAZAAR DONATIONS NEEDED: Are you crafty or do you enjoy baking? Our annual Smorgasbord and Bazaar is nearing and any donations from members are needed. Whether you sew, knit, crochet, embroider, like to bake, or just glue things together—any item would be very much appreciated! Please bring these items either this Friday afternoon, September 16, after 2 PM, or Saturday morning, September 17, after 9 AM. Or, if you need your item to be picked up, call Sharon Dettmer (342-4084). Thanks for your support!

A WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will begin after worship on Wednesday evenings, starting September 21. The topic is geared to mothers with young daughters (or anyone interested). Contact Emily Cook for more information.

LUTHERAN WITNESS: Persons who would like to order/reorder The Lutheran Witness magazine need to contact Becky in the church office by Sunday, October 9. Subscription price is $15. Checks should be made payable to our church.

A DEPOSIT of $217.00 has been made to our church account on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice program by the directed dollars of the following: Bettie Burbrink, Lloyd Meyer, Annette Purdue, and Matt Taulman. A deposit of $879.00 was made to the school account through this program by the directed dollars of: Ken Bode, Phil Burbrink, Janice Buss, Clara Claycamp, Jane Hoffman, Carmen Kreinhage, Amy Mensendiek, Mike Mensendiek, Ervin Newkirk, Kathy Sanders, Linda Schroer, Herb Stiltz, Noma Tiemeyer, Louis Voelker.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that their monthly meeting will be one week later than usual, September 25. The group will meet at Papa’s Grill at West Hill at 5:30 PM and then return to the Fellowship Room for their meeting and fellowship.

TEXAS ROADHOUSE ROLLS: The English Expedition group of Trinity Lutheran High School is selling Texas Roadhouse rolls to raise funds for their 2012 trip to England. If interested, contact Anna Wise (373-9385) to order. Cost is $4/dozen and honey butter, $2. Order by September 22.