Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Help with Funeral Luncheon

Anyone interested in helping with the Kerkhof funeral luncheon is asked to please contact Karen Burbrink (if you need her number please feel free to call the office - we don't want to publish her number on the internet though).

Kerkhof Funeral

Paul Kerkhof went to be with our Lord last evening, February 19, 2013. Visitation will be held at Voss Funeral Home in Seymour, IN from 4pm - 8pm on Thursday February 21, 2013. The funeral will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church White Creek on Friday February 22, 2013 at 10:30am.

Monday, February 18, 2013

THE LENTEN SEASON continues with midweek worship at 7 PM Wednesday evening.  The Senior High Youth will be serving a chili/baked potato supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet this evening at Papa's Grill at West Hill at 5:30 PM for supper, then returning to the Fellowship Room afterwards for the monthly meeting and socializing.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this evening at 6:00 PM.


THE ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE continues yet today.  A trailer is parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.


MARCH CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.


ALL THRIVENT MEMBERS are asked to stop at the table in the narthex following today's worship service to designate your CHOICE dollars for the coming year.  Your options for CHOICE dollars here at St. John's include St. John's Lutheran Church, St. John's Foundation, and White Creek Lutheran School.  If you don't designate, those funds will be lost.


DEPOSITS OF $1,046.00 and $2,179.00 have been made to the church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent Choice program.  A listing of those who directed their Choice Dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front school hall.


PRO MUSICA SACRA is a choir of 14 seminarians of the St. Louis Seminary preparing for full-time service as pastors in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  They will be presenting music for the Lenten season at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Columbus, this Tuesday, February 19, at 7:00 PM.  The public is invited.


LLL SPRING BANQUET:  Mark your calendars for March 3 and plan on attending the annual Spring Banquet of the LLL Zone 12, which will be held at St. John's, Sauers, gymnasium.  Sean Harlow will be the speaker.  He is a trained missionary of the LCMS and has served in the mission field and will soon be going to the Philippines and Taiwan.  Tickets are $12, with all proceeds being donated to Mr. Harlow's mission trip.  Registration will begin at 5:30 PM, with devotions at 5:50 PM, followed by the meal (catered by Patty Hercamp), entertainment, elections, and the speaker.  Child care will be available.  For tickets or additional information, contact Keith Mensendiek (812-343-3288).


CHRISTIAN YOGA classes will begin tomorrow (Monday) evening in our Fellowship Room.  The Gentle/Senior Class will be held 4:45-5:45 PM and the Active Class from 6:00-7:00 PM.  Cost is $32 for the 4 week sessions or $10 per drop-in session.  Babysitting will be available for the 6 PM class ($2/child).  Call or text Janet Morey (812-350-6238) to enroll.  Persons should bring a yoga mat or beach towel and an extra beach towel.


OUR JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH will be offering a Valentine Babysitting Night this Friday, February 22, from 6:00-10:00 PM for children through 5th grade in our school  gym.  Snacks (not a meal) will be provided.  A free-will offering will be received.  Bring your children to the school gym and enjoy a night out!


TURKEY SUPPER:  Lord of Life Lutheran Church, North Vernon, will hold its annual Turkey Supper on Saturday, March 3, from 4:00-7:00 PM.  A free-will offering will be received.  The church is located 1.5 miles north of North Vernon.


A THANK-YOU NOTE has been received from the Rediker family for the donation made to them for their son's (Adam) gift account.  "Although we are going through such a difficult time, it's been easier because friends, family, and church members have held us in their hearts." - Mark, Beth, Adam, and Andrew Rediker


SINCERE THANKS TO those who donated, helped, and supported last Sunday's Scholarship Dinner.