Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 22 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Brandt for leading our worship today. Pastor Cook & family are on vacation this week. If an emergency arises, contact Becky in the office (342-3516) or at home (342-6808). Pastor Juan Luna of Clifty will lead this week’s Wednesday evening worship.

TODAY has been designated as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. A basket is in the narthex to receive our collection of pennies, with each individual giving one penny for each year of life in which he/she has been blessed to live. These gifts will be forwarded to the Pregnancy Care Center.

BOARD OF EDUCATION members will meet TODAY after worship.

FEBRUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.

THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet next Sunday, January 29, after worship in the church office.

PASTOR BRANDT’S BIBLE STUDY: For those interested in learning more about the Epistle of Galatians, Pastor Brandt will be offering a course on this Book of the Bible. What is St. Paul’s “beef” about the Galatian Church? Since repetition is so important, you may have forgotten this answer to this question. That’s why we encourage you to enroll in this class, starting Thursday, February 9, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Room. Contact Becky in the church office to enroll.

PASTOR COOK will be offering an adult instruction class, beginning on Wednesday, February 1, after the evening worship service (approx. 7:30 PM). There will be 5-6 sessions. Contact Becky in the church office to enroll, or if you know of someone that might be interested in attending.

OPEN HOUSE: White Creek Lutheran School will hold its annual Open House on Friday, February 3, from 8:30 AM-2:30 PM. Interested persons are invited to sit in on classes during the course of the day, and the teachers will be available to answer any questions in between instruction times. (Snow dates: Mon., Feb. 6, and Fri., Feb. 10, if needed)

THE LUTHERAN LAYMEN’S LEAGUE Annual Spring Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, February 12, at St. Peter’s Lutheran in Columbus. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM, followed by the meal (catered by The Rolling Pin) at 6:00 PM, entertainment, a very short business session, and the keynote speaker, Pastor Ted Krey. The Orphan Grain Train trailer will be on site to receive donations. Child care will be available; call Eric Scheidt (579-5816) for details and to reserve space. Tickets ($12/person) are available from Paul Kerkhof.

MANY THANKS TO Mariagnes Meyer and Betty McCrory for all their years of coordinating funeral dinners. Their efforts were certainly blessings to our bereaved members and families and were surely appreciated!

CONGRATULATIONS TO our own Emily Cook on the publication of her book, Weak and Loved: A Mother-Daughter Love Story. Copies may be ordered online at www.createspace.com/3715123 or may be purchased from Emily or through the church office as supplies are available ($9.99/book).

IT’S TIME to start thinking about summer camp! On February 1 Camp Lakeview will begin registering campers (grades K-12) for its 2012 summer season. Don’t let your children miss the adventure, joy, and wonder that a week at a Christian camp can bring. To get more information, pick up a summer brochure in the narthex or get a registration for from the bulletin board in the front school hall. No phone reservations will be accepted until two weeks after registration opens, so the best way to register is to get the forms ready and mail them on February 1! See you at camp!

SOUP SUPPER AND EUCHRE PARTY: St. Peter, Waymansville, will be sponsoring a Soup Supper and Euchre Party next Sunday, January 29. The supper will begin at 5:30 PM with cost of $5/person, and the Euchre Party will begin at 6:30 PM with also a cost of $5/person. Proceeds will go to the Seymour Lutheran Braille Workers and CSC Ministries, coordinated by Pastor Lepley of Redeemer, Seymour. Supplemental funds will be provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Everyone invited.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sanctity of Life- thoughts from Emily

do understand how a woman could choose abortion.

I worked at a crisis pregnancy center for three years before we moved to Indiana.  When I started, I knew that abortion was wrong.

As I went through training, I learned that abortion is horrible.

I also learned that abortion is surprisingly common.

As I worked with women in crisis, I learned that abortion is extremely tempting.

To a woman whose picture of her future has just been shattered by a positive pregnancy test, abortion offers a way to put the pieces back where they belong.

Abortion speaks to her fears and offers a way to turn back the clock, to get out of the problem and return to the time when everything was normal.
It is a way to avoid poverty and homelessness.
It is a way to avoid divorce, or abuse, or parental abandonment.
It is a way for a child to have a chance to finish school. (yes, a child. I have worked with children as young as 12 considering abortion.)

I have never known a woman who choose abortion easily, or considered it light-heartedly.  I understand, as Frederica Mathewes-Green famously said,

  "No woman wants an abortion as she wants 
an ice cream cone or a Porsche. 

She wants an abortion 
as an animal caught in a trap 
wants to gnaw off its own leg."[1]

bear trap

Not knowing what else to do, many girls and women choose abortion.
As I got to know many who did, I also learned that abortion hurts women.
Let us pray that God would use our hands to help those trapped, and those missing a leg.

[1] Mathewes-Green, Real Choices, 19).  

Part 1 of SOHL articles by Emily.

Tingling Ears

When God speaks to us, He expects us to listen.

But sometimes, we do not want to hear what He has to say.
We turn our backs. We cover our ears.
hear no evil Pictures, Images and Photos
I don't want to hear it.

Help us to see how dangerous it is for us to cover our ears and refuse to hear Your word.  Turn us back to You, and grant us repentance for Jesus' sake!  Break us with Your Law that you may rebuild us with Your Gospel.  Make our hearts soft and our ears open to Your Word always, that by it we may grow up into eternal life. Amen.

Listen to Sunday's sermon here.

** see this link for the past six sermons- they are all finally uploaded!