ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Leighton & Shelby
Howe to the glory of God in thanksgiving and celebration of their marriage here
last evening. God’s blessings to them as
they begin their married life together!
THANKS TO Ed Kern for playing the organ for our
worship this morning.
BLESSINGS TO Joshua Hendricks, Melissa Lucas, and
Michaela Peters as they are confirmed during today’s worship. Take the opportunity to offer them your hand
in friendship and welcome them to our White Creek Family!
INVITED to the Ordination service of Jacob Hercamp this
afternoon at 3:00 p.m. here at St. John’s. A meal will be served in our school
gym after the worship service. All are
welcomed and encouraged to attend.
SUMMER BIBLE STUDY: Pastor Whitmore will be leading a Bible study
beginning this Wednesday evening, June 7, at 6:00 p.m. As we open the
Scriptures, we will be doing so along side the book, “Tortured for Christ,”
which is a first-hand account of Rev. Richard Wurmbrand and his experiences of
being tortured for his faith in Jesus.
All are welcome to attend – hope to see you there!
BIBLE SCHOOL: Vacation Bible School, Mighty
Fortress, will be held here at White Creek, beginning next Sunday, June 11,
and continuing through Thursday, June 15, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. each evening for
children PreK-6th grade. A family
cookout/pitch-in meal will be held on the last evening, June 15. Hot dogs, chips and drinks will be
furnished-families are asked to bring a dish to share. The children will present a short program.
Wednesday evening, June 7, after the worship service (8:00 p.m.).
CHANGE A LIFE! The Baby Bottle Campaign will end on Father’s Day,
June 18. If you are filling a bottle,
you may bring it to the narthex or the church office to be returned to
Clarity. Your giving will make a
tremendous difference for pregnant women and for their children. Every
filled baby bottle is a gift that helps to save a life. Join in and make a difference, one life at a
GIFT CARDS are being collected for “Gifts From the Heart” for the Albuquerque
Christian Children, Care Net, Lutheran World Relief, and Ysleta Lutheran
Mission. Donations of $10 and $25 gift
cards from Kmart, Walmart, Kohls, and JC Penney are requested. Cards may be given to Jean Voelker by next
Sunday, June 11. Jean will be taking
them with her to the LWML Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22-25.
TELL YOUR FRIENDS! White Creek Resale is coming this Saturday,
June 10, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in our school gym. Shop among almost 20 booths, find a bargain,
and visit with your friends and neighbors!
Concessions will be available. Please join in a fun community event to
benefit the Building Fund and other ministries of our church and school. If anyone has any plastic shopping bags to use
for the resale, please bring them to the narthex or give them to Becky in the
office this week. If anyone wants to drop off donations on Friday, please text
Katie Otte at 812-341-5333 to make arrangements. Any unsold items left after
the resale will be available for free-will donations after church next
Sunday. Any items left after that will
be donated to appropriate organizations.
BRICKS for our sidewalk
and Memorial Garden may be ordered anytime from now through Labor Day. Cost is $100/brick. Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry
& Janice Claycamp to order.
COPIES OF the kindergarten survey are available in the narthex for those who have
not yet had a chance to respond. Please
note that this is just a survey to seek interest, opinions and input from the
congregation. Responses may be dropped
in the box provided in the narthex by June 15.
AVAILABLE: White Creek
Lutheran School is accepting applications for the position of teaching
assistant. The position is part-time and
will involve working with students from grades K-6 (possibly grades K-8). Please send your resume to the school office
by June 14.
IN CELEBRATION of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, White Creek is
joining the other Columbus Lutheran churches in hosting a German food booth at
this year’s Ethnic Expo. We are putting
together a 10 member team of White Creek volunteers to work the booth on
Friday, October 13, from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. to grill brats, take orders, plate
food, take money, or be a “go for.” If
you would like this opportunity to be a part of the Expo action and see lots of
people, please let Jean Voelker, Janeen Blomenberg, or Becky know by June
18. All proceeds from this food
booth will support the Orphan Grain Train.
1501 – Luther enters University of Erfurt (receives Master of Arts in
philosophy, 1505)
1502 – Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony, founds University of Wittenberg
1505-Luther in thunderstorm, July 2; enters monastery, July 17
CHURCH NURSERY: As we teach our children what it means to
worship God and be respectful to those who have gathered to receive His
blessings, it is understood that some Sundays will be more trying than
others. What can we say? They are learning. For those Sundays when things are more
trying, the narthex and the kindergarten room (which is through the doors of
the school and to the right at the end of the hall) are available for those who
would like to use them. Please feel free
to ask the elder or usher for assistance, if needed.
“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all
together in one place.” Pentecost is the Old Testament harvest festival – it happens around the
time when the wheat and oats are ready to be brought in. Of course, this was a picture and
foreshadowing of the great harvest of humankind that God means to bring in through
the preaching of His Word. God gives the
seed, and God brings about the harvest.
From first to last, in things temporal and things eternal, we stand only
by His grace.