Monday, July 1, 2013

June 30 Weekly News

SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS are now due so that planning can begin for the new Sunday School year.  If you have not yet completed a registration form for your child(ren), please do so today.  Forms are available in the narthex and may be given to James Rockhill or dropped off in the church office.  Registrations may also be completed online at school.


JULY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.




THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held in the Fellowship Room after worship next Sunday, July 7.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.


CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday after the evening worship.  Your attendance is very important!


QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by this Wednesday, please.


THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed this Thursday in observance of the July 4th holiday.


MANY THANKS for the donations to the LWML Ingathering.  Jean Voelker was able to assemble several kits and take extra things with her to the convention.


BRICKS:  Orders are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the memory garden.  Cost is $100 per brick.  Please contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order.  Orders will be taken anytime through Labor Day.


FOOD SERVICES DIRECTOR NEEDED:  Lakeview Ministries is in need of a food services coordinator.  This individual is responsible for planning menus and ordering and receiving food for all food service needs at Lakeview Ministries, including summer camp and the retreat seasons.  Being a part of the cooking staff is also desired.  Please contact Lance Onken via email at or call 812-358-1999 if you are interested or would like more information.


COOKS NEEDED:  Lakeview Ministries is in need of cooks, mainly for weekend retreats.  This is a perfect opportunity for a retired individual or an individual desiring to supplement their income while being part of the Lakeview Ministry.  Work as little as one or two weekends a month, or more if desired.  Please contact Lance Onken via email at or call 812-358-1999 if you are interested or would like more information.