Monday, November 20, 2017

November 19 Weekly News

THE POPE…. The Word conjures up many different thoughts.  Some say he’s the bishop of Rome and nowhere else.  Others say that he is the true earthly head of the Christian Church.  Still others say that he is the antichrist.  What do we with one voice believe and confess about the office of Pope?  Come to Bible study today when we will begin looking into what our confessions say about this office. 

SUNDAY SCHOOL grades 1-8 will begin practice for the Christmas program in church today.  Preschool – Kindergarten will meet in the kindergarten room to practice their songs.

TIME AND TALENT SURVEY:  If you did not receive a Time and Talent Survey yet, please ask an usher or the elder for one.  Please take a minute to complete the Survey and hand it to the usher as you leave today.  We would like a completed Survey from each confirmed member of our congregation.

OUR THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.  In thanksgiving to God for our many blessings, we will be gathering non-perishable food items for the local food pantry.  Donations may be left in the narthex beginning today through Thanksgiving Eve.

CHILDRENS’ CHRISTMAS EVE PROGRAM DRAWINGS:  Children’s artwork will again be featured in this year’s Christmas Eve bulletin.  Submit your black/white drawing on an 8½ x 11 sheet of plain white paper (drawn with black ink is best).  Preschoolers will draw something in their Sunday School class.  Please turn in to Jessica Morphew by Sunday, December 3.

CHOIR PRACTICE for our special Songs and Readings service planned for December 24 at 9:00 a.m. will be held December 6, 13, and 20 at 5:00 p.m. in church.  Questions???  Please contact Lori Hill at 812-350-1474.

SENIOR LEAGUE will meet this evening at 5:30 p.m. at Bob Evans Restaurant for supper and will then return to the fellowship room for socializing.

YOUTH will meet this evening at 7:00 p.m.

PASTOR WHITMORE & FAMILY will be visiting family over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  Pastor Ben Lorenz will be leading us in worship next Sunday.  Pastor Whitmore will be back for the November 29 Wednesday evening worship.

LADIES AID will be meeting for their holiday luncheon on Thursday, November 30, at 11:30 a.m. at Stahl’s Restaurant in Brownstown.  Please respond to Jean Voelker (812-216-1489) by November 26.

THE CHURCH OFFICE HOURS will be flexible this week, due to Thanksgiving break.  Please call before you come!

POSITION AVAILABLE:  The school board at St John’s White Creek Lutheran School is accepting applications for the position of Principal.  The position is full-time and will involve working with students from grades K-8. The position requires the candidate to have a Master’s Degree and Administrative Licensing. The individual may have teaching duties in addition to administration responsibilities. We are seeking someone caring and diligent about the Christian education of our children, so a Lutheran background and Synodical training is preferred.  Please send your resume to the school office by January 11, 2018.

OPEN POSITION:  Trinity Lutheran High School is taking applications for a varsity volleyball head coach.  Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, and references to the Trinity office by December 1.  Contact AD Aaron Rudzinski or Principal Ben Stellwagen for more information at 812-524-8547.

THE WINTER WONDERLAND Arts & Crafts Festival will be held at Trinity Lutheran High School next Saturday, November 25, from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is sponsoring a donation drawing, Tickets for Textbooks.  For every $20 donated, a ticket will be placed in a drawing for one of three items – a 2018 Ranger Polaris XP 900 EPS, a Tikka T3K Hunter .308 caliber rifle, or an LG 55” Ultra HD 4K Smart HDTV.  Donate $100 and get 6 tickets (buy 5, get 1 free).  See our Trinity representatives, Sue Voelker or Tom Schroer, to make your donation or check at any of Trinity’s upcoming sporting events.  The drawing will be held at the home boys’ basketball game on Friday, December 8, at 7:30 p.m.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:    Matt. 25:30              

“And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness.”  Why did the worthless servant act the way he did?  Because of what he believed about the Master.  He didn’t trust or love the Master – and so his actions did not demonstrate love and trust, but rather hate and mistrust.  It’s the same with us, but in reverse: since we know our Lord God to be faithful and kind, we desire to serve Him and render faithful service with what He has given us.  T BLESSINGS ON YOUR WEEK! T