Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 16 Weekly News

OUR THIRD MIDWEEK Lenten worship will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM. There will be no supper served before the service, as our school cafeteria will be undergoing remodeling.


SENIOR LEAGUE will meet this evening at Bob Evans Restaurant at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


PHIL'S FRIENDS will gather for card-making this evening at 6:00 PM, followed by the Youth groups at 7:00 PM.


DUE TO SPRING BREAK this week, church office hours will be flexible.  If you need to come in, please call before you make the trip!


CHURCH/SCHOOL LAWNMOWING:  Many thanks to Tim Hoene for donating his equipment and time to care for our church and school lawns these past years.  A bid has been received for lawn mowing for the upcoming season.  If anyone else from our congregation would be interested in submitting a bid, please give that to Doyce Eckelman before Wednesday, April 2.


LENTEN ORGAN RECITALS:  The tradition of Lenten organ recitals continues in Columbus this season, thanks to the work of local organists.  Each Wednesday during Lent a recital will be held at noon at the following churches:  March 19-Colin Andrews and Chere Ko at First Presbyterian, March 26-Priscilla Weaver at First Lutheran, April 2-Ed Bruenjes at Asbury United Methodist, April 9-Dr. John Simpson at Sandy Hook United Methodist, and April 16-John Matthews at Grace.


CAR SHOW:  Mallory Meyer will be having a Car/Truck/Tractor Show and Silent Auction on  Saturday, March 29, in the church parking lot as her senior project.   The show will begin at 10:00 AM, with judging and silent auction ending at 1:00 PM.  It is open to hot rods, trucks, tractors, etc. with a $10 entry fee.  Chili, hot dogs, and drinks will be available for purchase.  All proceeds will go to Kristie Wessel and her family as she continues her battle against Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  A Be The Match drive will also take place as well in order to raise awareness for blood cancers and the need for stem cell/bone marrow donors.  In case of inclement weather, the show will be held on Saturday, April 5.  Mallory will be in the narthex after worship today to sign up anyone who would like to donate food/help for this event.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Derek & Jill (Dettmer) Harris on the birth of their daughter, ALENA NOELLE, on Friday, March 7.  Alena arrived weighing 6 lbs. 7.2 ozs. and measuring 20 1/4 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


"THANKS TO everyone for the prayers, cards, and visits to us at the passing of our father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Paul Walker.  A special thanks to Pastor Cook for his comforting words and the Ladies Aid for the food brought in to the funeral home.  We appreciate these many kindnesses." - The Family of Paul Walker


FOUND:  A gift card to Bed, Bath & Beyond was found in the church lot.  Check with Becky in the church office.


A DEPOSIT OF $2,694.00 has been put into the school account on behalf of Thrivent Financial's Thrivent Choice Program.  Those individuals directing their Choice Dollars include:  Stephanie Barton, Janice Buss, Kay Clow, Jack Dunn, Jeremie Dunn, Richard Hercamp, Larry Hoeltke, Ron Hoffman, Sharon Kinsey, Tim & Carmen Kreinhagen, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Steve & Jeanie Loesch, David Loyd, Mike Mensendiek, Greg Meyer, Marshall & Beth Middendorf, Fred & Stephanie Middendorf, Ruth Musillami, William Powers, Carolyn Schroer, Norman Schroer, Robert Sims, Herb Stiltz.


BUILDING PROJECT UPDATE:  The initial steps of the building remodel/construction will begin this coming Monday, March 17, with demolition of the existing wall dividing the kitchen from the cafeteria and construction of the new extended kitchen wall and repurposing of the balcony space.  Wurster Construction will be on site during the school’s spring break to complete as much interior work as possible before the students’ return.  They will also establish an alternate drive on the south side of the building to allow for student pick-up during exterior construction.  --  Plans are underway for an official groundbreaking for the new classroom addition.  --  The present septic system has been approved to handle increased enrollment without any modifications based on water-use monitoring records that were submitted to the health department.  --  Jackson County Water has arranged for a contractor that will begin installing the water lines to the school.  White Creek’s cost for the project is $39,311.20, of which $25,000 has been pledged by the church foundation.  The invoice for the water project will be arriving within the week.