TODAY we give praise to God for the work of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Information on the work and goals of the LWML is on display in the narthex as well as in the handout pamphlet. Please also note the insert in today’s bulletin giving the history of some of our hymns we will be singing today.
THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held TODAY immediately after church in the Fellowship Room. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.
A BAKE SALE will be held after church TODAY. All proceeds will go to Derek & Kristie Wessel to help with expenses as Kristie continues treatment for cancer. Thrivent will be providing matching funds. Please make checks payable to White Creek Lutheran School.
JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUPS are reminded of their meetings tonight at 7 PM.
ALL LADIES OF THE CONGREGATION are invited to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Fall Zone Rally NEXT Saturday, October 8, at Faith Lutheran Church, Columbus. Registration ($5 donation) will begin at 8:30 AM. A salad luncheon will be served. No babysitting will be provided.
LUTHERAN WITNESS: Persons who would like to order/reorder The Lutheran Witness magazine need to contact Becky in the church office by NEXT Sunday, October 9. Subscription price is $15. Checks should be made payable to our church.
TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL’S Drama Department will begin selling tickets for their 2011 musical The Sound of Music tomorrow, Monday, October 3. The musical will be held November 3-6. Please call the Trinity school office at 812-524-8547 to purchase tickets or for more information.
OPEN HOUSE: The Vandercars will be hosting an Open House next Sunday, October 9, from 1:00-4:00 PM to gather auction items for Camp Lakeview’s upcoming Dinner Auction. If you have new items, collectibles, antiques, goods or services, handicraft items, or small items that could be included in a gift basket, please consider donating them to this worthy ministry! Come by the house (8088 Lutheran Lake Rd.) anytime that afternoon for food and fellowship! If you would like to donate, but can’t make it to the Open House, contact Dave or Whitney to pick up your items.
CAMP LAKEVIEW DINNER AUCTION: Camp Lakeview’s Annual Dinner Auction will be held Saturday evening, November 19, at the Holiday Inn in Columbus. Attendees and donations are needed to make this event a success. If you would like to reserve a seat or donate items for the auction, please contact Dave or Whitney Vandercar at 812-988-7586 or call Camp Lakeview at 812-342-4815.
INTERESTED PERSONS are invited to this week’s school chapel service this Wednesday, October 5, at 8 AM to hear a presentation by a two-time cancer survivor, Phil Zeilke, founder of Phil’s Friends, located in Chicago. This will be the kick-off for Zach Morey’s senior project to collect care package items for Phil’s Friends. For more information, contact Zach Morey (350-6191).
BASKET BINGO NIGHT has been set for Friday, October 14. Tickets are now on sale – see any WCLS student or contact the school office. Monetary donations and/or raffle prize donations are also being accepted from individuals and businesses to help defray expenses of the evening. Contact Lisa McGaha (522-8343) or Teresa Williams (342-4776).
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, WEGAN, will be sponsoring its October Supper next Sunday, October 9, from 4:00-7:00 PM. Carry-out service is available. Everyone invited.