Emila Fowler as they bring their son, DESMOND LEE, to be baptized this
morning. Desmond's sponsors are his
uncle and aunt, Paul & Amy Blomenberg, and family friend, Emily Cook. God's blessings to you, Desmond!
QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held after
worship TODAY in the gym. Updates will
be given by the various officers and board members. All confirmed members of
our congregation, 18 years and
older, are encouraged to attend.
will be leaving on vacation this Thursday,
In case of emergency, please contact Becky, and she will make a pastoral
contact. Pastor Matt Jung will be
preaching next Sunday, and Pastor William Stache will lead the Wednesday
evening, July 15, worship.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our next event celebrating our
175th Anniversary, an Old Fashion Mission Festival, which will be held on
Sunday, July 26, immediately after the worship service. Everyone is invited to come join in the fun,
food, games, prizes for all ages! There
will also be antique displays. Sign-up
sheets are available in the narthex today for persons to volunteer to help
and/or donate food. Questions??? Check with Ken & Kyra Bode.
CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY: During Rev. Markworth's pastorate, contributions
for both home and outside purposes increased noticeably. Collections for the indigent students were
common. On October 28, 1888, the
congregation resolved that every member bring one bushel of wheat or its
equivalent in cash for support of students at Concordia Seminary, St.
Louis. A total of $47.70 was collected.
members and the workings of our congregation has been gathered and is available
for persons to look through. Check the
new shelf in the conference room (room behind Becky's desk). Persons are asked to please browse through
the information in the conference room.
Many thanks to Jean Meyer and Karen Schlehuser for organizing this.
BIBLE SCHOOL is being planned for Saturday, August
29, from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Leaders and
helpers are needed for the various activities.
A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex, or persons may contact
Katie Otte, coordinator, at 812-341-5333.
Watch future bulletins for registration information.
ATTENDING Trinity Lutheran High School this coming
school year are reminded that their Ladies Aid scholarship application needs to
be returned to our church office by Wednesday, July 15.
BOONE MARK RUTAN, newborn son of Jared & Amy Rutan. Boone arrived on Thursday, June 25, weighing
9 lbs. 9 ozs. and measuring 21 ins.
Please continue to pray for Boone and his family as his health continues
to strengthen.
The loose change plate offering goes into our Synodical Fund to help
with various missions of the Indiana District and LCMS. Offering envelopes and checks go into our
General Fund to help with our congregation’s expenses. In the near future, electronic payments will
be accepted - watch for more information about this.
OPEN HOUSE: The dedication, ribbon
cutting, and Open House for the Orphan Grain Train will be held on Sunday, July
26, with the dedication service beginning at 2:00 PM at St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church, Jonesville. Parking will be at
St. Paul’s, and a shuttle bus will operate between St. Paul and the warehouse
site at 209 Jackson St., Jonesville until 5:00 PM. Those attending will have the opportunity to
“work like a volunteer” with hands-on experience in the sorting area and to
make a donation of clothing for children from birth-age 5 toward the shipping
of the first overseas container to the Latvia orphanages.. Light refreshments will be served, and a
silent auction of 12 handmade quilts will be held, with all proceeds to help
offset shipping costs.
LAKEVIEW MINISTRIES is seeking individuals for a part time
Housekeeper (clean the buildings after a group's departure) and Lead
Cook (provide meals for groups). For
more information, visit the camp's website, www..camplakeview.com and click on
the "Job Openings" tab at the top of the screen or contact Dave
Vandercar at 812-342-4815.
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS are flexible through July 17. If you need to come to the office, please
call before you make the trip to make sure someone is in.