Monday, November 25, 2013

November 24 Weekly News

DECEMBER CALENDARS AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet for a brief meeting TODAY after worship.  Members are asked to please remain in church.


SHOE BOXES for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child need to be brought to Sunday School TODAY.  Please don’t forget to include the $7 for shipping.  If you would prefer to give a monetary donation only, that is also an option. 


OUR THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held this Wednesday, November 27, at 7:00 PM.  We will be gathering non-perishable food items that evening to take to the local food pantry.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.  The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.


THE DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held after church next Sunday to approve the slate of candidates nominated for 2014 church offices.


THE YOUTH GROUPS will be decorating the church for Christmas next Sunday after Sunday School.


CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE:  As Christmas is rapidly approaching, it is time to start practicing for this year's Children's Christmas Eve Service.  In order to avoid discontinuing Sunday School while we prepare for this service, the practice schedule will be a little different this year.  All Sunday School children will practice the music at the opening and closing of Sunday School each week.  Additionally, children with speaking/acting parts are asked to stay after Sunday School to practice their parts.  Lunch will be provided.  Needed are a Mary, Joseph, three shepherds, three angels/soloists, and many readers.  We will also have some of the smaller children as sheep, but they will not be required to stay after Sunday School.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


THE LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If you would like to order The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky by Sunday, December 8.  Cost is $24.99 plus shipping .


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE will be held on Sunday, December 8, after worship.  Any and all cookie donations would be appreciated.  Please bring 4-5 dozen cookies to the school (go through the front door upstairs) on Saturday, December  7, by 1:00 PM.


ANNUAL LIVING NATIVITY:  St. Peter Lutheran Church, Waymansville, will hold its 6th Annual Living Nativity on Friday, December 6, from 5:30-8:30 PM.  King James, the camel, will be back along with some of his animal friends.  There will also be activities for the kids and free cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate in the Parish Hall.  Also featured will be a photo op set up to take pictures of your children in costume.  The Bethlehem Choir will be caroling in church, in "Bethlehem", and at the Waymansville store during the evening.  (The store will stay open later and will be featuring their delicious pizzas, sold by the slice or by the pie.)  All are invited to join in this celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


WCLS SPIRIT WEAR:  Orders are now being taken for White Creek Lutheran School long and short sleeved t-shirts, sweatshirts (hoodies), and pj pants.  Order forms are available in the narthex.  All orders with payments need to be turned in to the school office by this Tuesday, November 26.