OUR SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE will begin in two weeks, Sunday, May 29, with worship beginning at 9:00 AM. Sunday School and Bible Class will recess for the summer and resume again on Sunday, September 11.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: “Big Jungle Adventure” is the theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School to be held June 7-8-9 from 6:00-8:15 PM each evening for children 3 years through 5th grade (this year). Registration forms are due TODAY. Please see an usher or contact Becky in the church office if you need forms.
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting TODAY after worship.
CONGRATULATIONS AND GOD’S BLESSINGS also to Jeanne (Schroer) Lienhoop, as she completes her degree in physical therapy from IUPUI Indianapolis.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Bob & Tracy Poynter as they were blessed with their daughter, Jayda Donna-Alise Poynter last Monday. Jayda arrived weighing 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and measuring 20 inches. (Mrs. Poynter is a former teacher here at WCLS.) God’s continued blessings to them!
THE CONGREGATION IS INVITED to the wedding of Beth Koeberlein and Tyler Meyer next Saturday, May 21, at 5:30 PM here at St. John’s. The reception is immediately following at the Family Arts Building of the Bartholomew County 4-H Fairgrounds.
OPEN HOUSE: Summertime is time for CAMP! Everyone is invited to Camp Lakeview’s Annual Open House on Sunday, June 5. On this day, the camp will be welcoming its first campers at the new Lakeview Villages campsite. Opening worship will begin at 11:00 AM with guest speaker Rev. Art Wehrmeister from Calvary Lutheran in Indianapolis. The service will be followed by a delicious picnic lunch and other afternoon activities including tours of the new camp, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, swimming, and more. Come on out and see all the new exciting things growing up at camp!
CHOICE DOLLARS: A deposit of $3,735.00 was received in the church account by the directed Choice Dollars of the following: Pastor Brandt, Dale Burbrink, Gary Burbrink, Kathy Kerkhof, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Dennis & Joyce Meyer, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, Mariagnes Meyer, Delbert & Carolyn Peters, Glenn Strietelmeier, and Kathryn Taulman. A deposit of $2720.00 was received in the school account by the directed Choice Dollars of the following: Dennis Barkes, Ken & Kyra Bode, Bill Brock, Phil Burbrink, Mark Buss, Curt Carothers, Dean & Clara Claycamp, Larry Claycamp, Kay Clow, Ken Dettmer, Paul Dettmer, Jack Dunn, Doyce Eckelman, Greg Hercamp, Richard Hercamp, Larry Hoeltke, Paul & Janice Hoffman, Jane Hoffman, Max Hoffman, Sharon Kinsey, Tim Kreinhagen, David & Peggy Loyd, Dave & Cheryl Mensendiek, Keith Mensendiek, Louis Mensendiek, Glen Meyer, Greg Meyer, Harold & Harriett Meyer, Marguerite Meyer, Terry Meyer, Wayne & Melanie Meyer, Ervin & Jane Newkirk, James Newkirk, Dorothy Otte, Herman & Marie Otte, Ben Peters, Brad Schlehuser, Joan Schlehuser, Karen Schlehuser, John Schroer, Norman Schroer, Bob Sims, Lawrence Tiemeyer, Jean Voelker