Broc is still in the hospital with breathing problems- please keep him and the whole family in prayer!
They are hoping he will be released this weekend, but it depends on how he is breathing.
WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD for the mission of Lutheran Hour Ministries. Information will be passed out after worship today, and giving envelopes are available in the narthex for individual gifts. Newsletters from Pastor Ted Krey, last week’s guest speaker at the LLL banquet, will also be available.
LENT: The season of Lent will begin this week with Ash Wednesday. Worship will begin at 7 PM and will include the Imposition of Ashes. The Guild will be serving a soup and sandwich supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.
THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet after worship today.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather this evening at 5:30 PM at Papa’s Grill at West Hill for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
YOUTH will meet at 7 PM this evening.
THE ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE continues yet today. The trailer is parked on the south side of church to receive items.
MARCH CALENDAR/NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.
OPEN HOUSE: Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to an open house today from 2:00-4:00 PM. All eighth grade students are encouraged to attend the boys’ LIT championship game after the open house. New applicants will receive a $75 voucher to be used toward the price of admission for the 2012-2013 school year. Please enter through the commons.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday. The workday will begin at 9 AM, followed by the Bible Study and meeting at 11 AM. The Bible Study, “God’s Mirror,” will be taken from page 19 of the fall LWML Quarterly. Mite Boxes will be collected.
THE MITE BOX will be in the narthex during February to receive mites, which are used for missions by the LWML. Extra boxes are also available on the Mite Box table.
ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER UPDATES: Please contact Becky in the church office if you have a new email address (or if you have not given her your old one) and/or a new phone number (or if you have given up your land line and now use a cell number).
ST. PAUL, CLIFTY, PRESCHOOL is now accepting enrollments for 3 and 4-year-old children for the 2012-2013 school year. Contact director, Henry Wischmeier, at 376-6504 for more information.
ADDRESS: Justin McCrory is now serving in Afghanistan. His address is SPC McCrory, Justin Task force Geronimo E Co. 11501 SSC FOB Salerno APO AE 09134.
TURKEY SUPPER: Lord of Life Lutheran Church, North Vernon, will be sponsoring their annual turkey supper Saturday, March 3, from 4-7 PM. Take-out available. Everyone invited.