Monday, October 9, 2017

October 8 Weekly News

THE BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP will meet this Tuesday, October 10, at 6:30 p.m.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS (guests always welcome!) will meet next Sunday, October 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the St. Peter, Waymansville, Fish Fry for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room to play cards.

YOUTH GROUPS will meet next Sunday, October 15, at 7:00 p.m.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND our goal of paying off the school expansion loan this month.  As of September 15, the bank account balance of the Building Fund was $10,021.71.  The loan payoff is now $42,300.00.  To reach our goal, we need to raise $32,278.29 by the end of October.  Building Fund envelopes are available in the narthex for your remaining pledge/contribution. – Phil Burbrink, Building Fund Treasurer 

“EACH ONE must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)  Here Saint Paul is describing what our giving should and should not be.  With this in mind, the Saint John's Stewardship Committee will be handing out commitment sheets to each family of our congregation.  These sheets are intended to help each family sit down and consider what gifts that God has given to them and what they are doing with those gifts.  The head of each household is asked to sit and  discuss with their family how they see their giving in the next year so that our giving won't be reluctant or under compulsion, but cheerful as we consider all that God has given to us.  The envelopes will then be put in a basket in the church on November 12.  No one at the church will look at them, but next year they will be mailed back to each family so that each family can see how they did with the goals that they set.  We will say more about this project next week.  Until then, God's blessings as you hold on to the true treasure that is stored for you in heaven.

IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN your Reformation Theses items or donation for shipping, please turn that in to the church office as soon as possible.

WHITE CREEK will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with a day of worship, food and fun on October 29.  The day will start at 9:00 a.m. with a Reformation Reenactment by our junior high students.  This will be followed by a worship service with Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m.  After church, we will join together for a meal.  Brats, pork burgers, and hot dogs and ice tea and lemonade, as well as tableware will be provided.  Please bring your favorite (German) side dish or dessert to share.  After we eat, there will be games and activities for all ages to participate in or watch!  There will also be special displays of items related to our German and Lutheran heritage.

SHARE YOUR GERMAN/LUTHERAN HERITAGE:  As part of our 500th Anniversary of the Reformation celebration, we would like to have on display items related to our German/Lutheran heritage - German baptismal, wedding, and confirmation certificates, old photos, German books, German Bibles and hymnals, and anything relating to the past.  If you have something that you would like to share, please contact Jean Voelker, Janeen Blomenberg, or Becky for information cards to go with your items.

LWML ZONE FALL RALLY:  Showing Mercy Near and Far is the theme of the LWML Fall Rally to be held at Grace, Columbus, October 21, beginning at 1:00 p.m.  The program will feature Gene Ernst, manager of the local Orphan Grain Train, followed by a workshop to assemble cleaning buckets for that organization.                                 
The following donations are being collected for this workshop: **1 large sponge    **1 roll paper towels    **2 gallons liquid cleaner Mr. Clean, Pine Sol, Lysol)  **1 powder cleaner (Comet, Ajax)     **1 pair kitchen latex gloves **1 broom **1 mop                                                                         
The Orphan Grain Train is also receiving hygiene items: soap, wash cloth, toothbrush and paste, shampoo, deodorant, tissue packets all wrapped up in a large bath towel and secured with two heavy rubber bands.  All items may be brought to the narthex.

EVERYONE IS INVITED to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation at St. Paul, Clifty, on Saturday, October 28.  The Communion service will begin at 2:30 p.m. with Dr. Dean O. Wenthe, President of the Concordia University System preaching.  Many activities are planned following the service from 4:00-6:30 p.m., including a meal, a Reformation Walk where you can meet Martin & Katherine Luther and other key figures of the Reformation, a hymn festival, and crafts for children.  In addition, Hackman’s Farm Market across the road from the church will offer hayrides, a corn maze, petting zoo, and other activities for families.  In order to prepare enough food, please RSVP by Monday, October 23, at 812-376-6504 or by email at  If you would like to participate in the worship choir, please contact Dan Mau at 812-603-8960.

A REFORMATION ORGAN CONCERT will be held on Friday, October 20, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul, Clifty.  Dr. John Allegar, Education Coordinator for the Indianapolis Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, will perform music inspired by the German Reformation, works by Bach, Cherwein, Buxtehude, Seigart, Mendelssohn, Luther and Lovelace. Everyone is cordially invited.

REFORMATION CONCERT:  The Columbus IN Philharmonic will perform a Reformation Concert on Saturday, October 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the Columbus North High School auditorium and again on Sunday, October 29, at 3:00 p.m.  The first half of the concert will include choral music including “A Mighty Fortress” and the second part of the concert will be the symphony’s performance of Mendelssohn’s “The Reformation.”  A special “Lutheran Rate” for Sunday’s performance is $20 for adults (normally $40) and $5 for students.  This discounted rate is available through this Tuesday, October 10.  To purchase tickets for the Saturday or Sunday performance, call the Philharmonic office at 812-376-2638.

FISH FRY:  St. Peter, Waymansville, Adult Fellowship will hold its Annual Fish Fry next Sunday, October 15, from 4:00-7:00 p.m.   Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will provide supplemental funds.  Everyone invited.

AHOY MATEY!  The Drama and Music Departments at Trinity Lutheran High School invite you to attend Trinity’s fall musical, Pirates of Penzance.  The performances will be held on November 2, 3, 4, and 5 at 7:00 p.m., with an additional performance on Sunday, the 5th, at 3:00 p.m.  Tickets are $10/person and may be purchased through the Trinity office.

THE CHURCH OFFICE will have flexible hours this week during fall break.  Call before you come to make sure someone is in!