Monday, January 27, 2014

January 26 Weekly News

FEBRUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THIS WEEK we will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week.  Our students will enjoy special treats and dress-up days and will attend chapel services and participate in special activities at Immanuel (Kindergarten-3rd grade) and Trinity (4th-8th grades) on Friday.  Students have drawn pictures which are included in today's bulletin to express their gratitude in being able to attend our Lutheran school and to thank the congregation for giving them this opportunity.


A TOTAL OF $36.52 was collected from last Sunday's Penny Collection for the Pregnancy Care Center.  Baby bottles are available in the narthex for those who would like to put in their spare change and donate to the PCC.  Please return these by next Sunday, February 2.


"DUE TO AN error on my part, donations to the Scholarship Fund for James Rockhill and Jacob Hercamp were not recorded as to the individual's donations.  If you need a receipt for tax purposes, please contact me as soon as possible." - Mark Buss


ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans are sponsoring a Soup Supper & Euchre Party this evening.  The supper begins at 5:30 PM for $5/person, with Euchre to begin at 6:30 PM for $5/person.  Proceeds will go to help Orphan Grain Train's move to a new location.  Everyone invited.


FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY will be offered at St. John's, White Creek, beginning next Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 PM.  This class will run for 9 weeks with allowances for Spring Break.  This class will empower you with practical skills to beat debt and to build wealth.  You can take control of your money no matter how busy your schedule is.  Sign up by going online to


ASSET AUCTION:  Trinity Lutheran High School will hold an Asset Auction for the general public on Saturday, March 29, at the Betty Shepman farm on Hwy 50 in Seymour across from Applebee's.  The auction will begin at 9:00 AM with auctioneer Fred Pollert, of Pollert's, Inc., and food will be served throughout the day.  The Asset Auction effort is called "Renew Their Strength" with all proceeds raised at the auction being applied towards the debt on the original school loan for Trinity.  If you would like to learn more about this auction and would possible be interested in donating to it, please contact our Asset Auctions volunteer, Keith Mensendiek  (342-4981), Asset Auction co-chairs, John & Pam Fox (342-1323), or Trinity's Development Director, Michael Bridges (812-343-3352).


CONGRATULATIONS TO Eric & Amanda Kerkhof on the birth of their son, ALEXANDER SAMUEL, this past Monday, January 20.  Alexander arrived weighing 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and measuring 21 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


POSITION AVAILABLE: St. Peter Lutheran Church, Brownstown, is seeking candidates for teacher for its preschool for the 2014-2015 school year.  Interested persons should contact Mike Rittman  at 812-358-2550 by March 1.


SUMMER CAMP:  It's time to start thinking about summer camp!  On February 1, Lakeview Ministries will begin registering campers (grades K-12) for its 2014 summer season.  Don't let your children miss the adventure, joy, and wonder that a week at a Christian camp can bring.  To get more information, pick up a summer brochure in the narthex, visit the camp's website at, or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Registrations must be postmarked on or after February 1.  No phone reservations will be accepted until two weeks after registration opens, so the best way to register is to get the forms ready and mail them on February 1.  See you at camp!