Monday, September 16, 2013

September 15 Weekly News

JUST A REMINDER that Sunday School (Bible Class too) will begin 15 minutes after church today, with dismissal 1 hour after the starting time.  Parents and children will meet in the gym for the opening.  (Bible Class in the Fellowship Room)


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather at 5:30 PM this evening at Papa's Grill, West Hill, for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotion booklets for October-December will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print are also available.


IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP  to help with our annual smorgasbord this coming Saturday, September 21.  Contact Annette Purdue (342-1124). Join in to help make this annual event another success! 


DONATIONS OF craft items and baked goods are needed for our upcoming bazaar/bake sale.  Items may be brought to the gym on the morning of the 21st.  Your support is appreciated!


BAZAAR BOOTH: A "2nd Time Around" booth will be set up at our annual Bazaar on Saturday, September 21.  Gently used items (NO clothing) will be offered at garage sale prices.  If you have any items you would like to donate (cleaning out drawers, closets?), please contact Kathryn Taulman (812-405-2774).  Please price your items before you give them to Kathryn.


THE LUTHERAN WITNESS:  It's time to order/renew subscriptions to The Lutheran Witness magazine.  The rate for 2014 is $16.00.  Please let Becky know by Sunday, October 6, if you would like to order/renew your subscription.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Kevin & Katie Meyer on the birth of their daughter, ABIGAIL LINDA, on August 22.  Abigail arrived weighing    9 lbs. 7 ozs. and measuring  20 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


CROSSLIFE MINISTRIES AUXILIARY will meet tomorrow, September 16, at 7:00 PM at Zion Lutheran Church.  Members from Borchers Lutheran Church and Peace Lutheran Church will also host the meeting.  Final plans for the Fall Luncheon and Bake Sale to be held Friday, October 18, at Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall will be discussed.  All are invited to enjoy the evening of fellowship and become more familiar with the ministry to individuals, marriages, and  families throughout Jackson and Bartholomew counties.


THE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER will be sponsoring its annual Walk for Life this Saturday, September 21.  Registration begins at 9:30 AM with the Walk scheduled for 10:30 AM.  If you would like to make a donation, see Jean Voelker.


VOLUNTEER TRAINING for the ministry needs of the Pregnancy Care Center will be held Tuesday, October 1-Friday, October 4, at Memorial Baptist Church in Columbus.  A Ministry Orientation will be held on Monday, September 30, 9:00 AM - Noon.  Interested persons may get more information from the brochure rack in the narthex.


THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN will host a fundraiser on October 6, at 5:30 PM at the Clarion Hotel, Columbus.  A meal will be served at no charge, and all attendees are asked to support the work of the OGT.  The OGT Indiana branch operates completely with volunteers and gives all support to the poor and needy.  The program includes a speaker who serves about 100 Lutheran congregations in the Chicago area with a goal to help the needy and will also provide a presentation on the future of the OGT in Indiana since the present leader is retiring.  See Pastor Cook to make a seating reservation at his table at this event.