Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 7 Weekly News

TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Tyler & Leah Ross in thanksgiving and celebration of their marriage here last evening. May God grant them many happy years together!

CHURCH PICNIC: Here is your checklist for next Sunday’s Church Picnic: *Wear your play clothes. *Bring your lawn chair. *Get your antiques, collectibles, hobbies, quilts ready to display. *Bring your pie for the Pie Baking Contest (or just your pie to share if you’d like). *Bring adult books for the Book Walk (We already have plenty of children’s books.) *Bring your biggest squirt gun if you want to battle. *Get plenty of rest the night before so you have lots of energy!

Donations to help with the picnic expenses may be given to any of the Elders or Ushers.

THE CHURCH PICNIC COMMITTEE will meet today after worship.

PASTOR BRANDT’S BIBLE STUDY: The Epistle of James emphasizes that faith without works is dead. It does not spell out the way to salvation. Why, then, choose this Book to study? Those who come to Pastor Brandt’s Bible Class, beginning on Thursday, August 18, at 10:30 AM will be confronted with this challenge. Call Becky in the church office to enroll.

A MEMORIAL has been given by Dick & Jo Hercamp to our tape ministry in loving memory of Carol Thompson on what would have been her 75th birthday July 25. Carol went to her heavenly home one year ago August 24.

ST. PAUL, BORCHERS, is sponsoring a benefit meal and silent auction next Sunday to raise funds to assist the Jack Guffey family with their home remodeling in the Cortland area, which will better accommodate daughter, Danielle, who needs to use a wheelchair, due to cerebral palsy. This family suffered a setback when their wife and mother, Teresa, died unexpectedly from cancer. Donations may be mailed to St. Paul-Borchers Care Team, 10792 N. Co. Rd. 210 E., Seymour, IN 47271, Attn: Guffey Project.

FAMILY FUN-FEST RETREAT: Looking for some “quality time” with your family? Try one of Camp Lakeview’s Family Fun-Fest Retreats on August 26-28 or September 2-4 (labor Day Weekend)! Get away with your entire family and end your summer together, making some lasting memories and growing closer to each other and to the Lord. For more information, pick up a brochure in the narthex, download a brochure at, contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 or

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

God's calming Word

Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean.  We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone.  We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. 

And because of all of that, it is hard for us to see.  We try to discern right from wrong, we try to understand who God is, but our vision is clouded.

Our dirty windshield. Pictures, Images and Photos
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Come to us here, in our darkness and our confusion: we do not know how to find our way to You.  As a father comforts his child, comfort us with Your strong and calming word.  Open our ears, that we may hear "Take heart, it is I, do not be afraid."   In the storms and black nights, assure us that You hold us in your loving hands.  Envelop us in grace so that even in the darkest places our hearts may hear and believe You as You say, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  

Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of your holy name.

Click here to listen to Sunday's sermon.

JESUS Pictures, Images and Photos
Fear not.

The Miracle of Satisfaction

Based on the Gospel reading: Matthew 14:13-21

We all feel overwhelmed at times.  We all face moments when the needs around us and within us are simply too much.  We look at our own resources, and we see that we simply do not have enough to satisfy ourselves or anyone else.

Yet even then, it is hard for us to stop.  It seems easier to just keep going, to move faster, to work harder, to live like the Energizer Bunny.

Jesus says, of our paltry resources, "Bring them here to me."   He has compassion on us, and He tells us to SIT DOWN, to receive what we need from His hands.  Just as he multiplied the loaves and the fish, He multiplies what we have as we use it and share it.

We look to Him, we receive what we need from Him, and miraculously, we are satisfied.

Click here to listen to last Sunday's sermon.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Upcoming Bible Studies for Women

Bible study will be starting up again soon!
This year I am offering TWO options:

Please email me or call at 447-8693 to let me know if you are able to come to either study! (Or both if you like!)  

Also, if you are coming on wed afternoon please let me know how many kids you will have with you at that time (they are welcome! I am just trying to plan the babysitting!)  If you are picking up children from school, you are welcome to come straight to the parsonage after school gets out.  We will have time to let the children play and get settled before we start the study at 3:30.

**Kids not required!  You just need to have a high tolerance of other people's if you plan to come in the afternoon!**

There will be a cost for the books ($10 for Screwtape, a little less for the other book)- I am ordering some right now but I need to know if we need more!

Wednesday Afternoons 3:30-4:30 beginning August 17
Women's bible study WITH babysitting at the parsonage
Topic: Temptation
We will read "The Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis.  In this humorous and perceptive exchange between two devils, C. S. Lewis delves into moral questions about good vs. evil, temptation, repentance, and grace. Through this wonderful tale, the reader emerges with a better understanding of what it means to live a faithful life.
Bring your Bible too!

Wednesday Evening after church Starting Sept 21
Mom's book club (No babysitting) at the Fellowship Hall
This book is intended for mothers of girls ages 8 to 12, but anyone interested in this topic is welcome to come!

Bestselling author, speaker, and founder of the Secret Keeper Girl conferences, Dannah Gresh shares with moms the secret to helping today’s girls grow up confident, grace-filled, and strong in their faith.
Studies show that the foundation for an emotionally healthy teen girl is built between the ages of 8-12 and that a good relationship with mom is one of the most important factors. So when the world wants girls to grow up too fast, how does a mother help her young daughter navigate the stormy waters of boy-craziness, modesty and body image, media, Internet safety, and more? With a warm, transparent style, Dannah Gresh shares six ways a mom can help protect and guide her daughter, including:
Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl: Guiding Your Daughter from Her Tweens to Her Teens (Secret Keeper Girl)
  • help her celebrate her body in a healthy way
  • unbrand her when the world tries to buy and sell her
  • unplug her from a plugged-in world
  • dream with her about her prince, and more