Monday, November 14, 2011

Peace and Security

Does it seem like God is far off?  Like He does not see? Like he does not care?  Do you hear the world's lie that He "will not bless or do ill?"

Do you waste your time trying to escape the reality of this fallen world?  Do you resort to distraction, sleep, drink, or food for comfort?  Do you find yourself trying to close your eyes to the decay all around, only to have them opened again and again by the sad realities of this life?

God does not want us to be unaware!  This world is NOT secure, nor is it peaceful!  We must look to Jesus!  When we see Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord, we will discover:

"He is the safe place 
I have spent so many days 
trying to create for myself."*

Only in Him do we find lasting peace and security.

Click here to listen to last Sunday's sermon, "Peace and Security," based on the Epistle Reading.

*quote by Angie Smith

November 13 Weekly News

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse are due by next Sunday, November 20. Also, practice for the Christmas Eve program will be held during the Sunday School hour every Sunday until Christmas, so attendance is very important.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet after worship today.

BAKE SALE: Betsy Schlehuser is sponsoring a Bake Sale after church today to raise funds for a medical mission trip to Honduras that she will be going on with the Purdue Caduceus (Pre-Med) Club over Christmas break. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will help with airfare, and seventy-five percent will be used to purchase basic medical supplies for medical clinics in Honduras. Thrivent will be providing matching funds.

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, November 16, beginning with the workday at 9 AM, followed by the meeting at 11 AM and lunch at noon.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse are due by Sunday, November 20. Also, practice for the Christmas Eve program will be held during the Sunday School hour every Sunday until Christmas, so attendance is very important.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather for supper next Sunday, November 20, at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant at West Hill and then return to the Fellowship Room for their meeting and fellowship.

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP will be held on Wednesday evening, November 23, at 7:00 PM. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Non-perishable food items will be received to be given to the local food pantry.

THRIVENT DRAWING: Congratulations to the following who won JayC gift cards from last week’s drawing: Delbert Peters, Kathryn Taulman, Jim Newkirk, Annette Purdue, Dick Hercamp, Amy Ross, Don Voelker, Cheryl Mensendiek, Sharon Kinsey, and Shelby Newkirk. If you have not yet received your card, check with Becky.

NOTE FROM OUR GENERAL TREASURER, MARK BUSS: “2011 has started to wind down with only about 2 months left. In order to get back to where we started in January of this year, we will need about $104,000 ($52,000/mo.) to meet our projected expenses to the end of the year.”

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is seeking a host family for the 16-year-old son of Juha Sarri, a missionary in Finland, who would like to send his son to Trinity the second semester and possibly next fall. If you are interested in hosting Missionary Sarri’s son or have questions, please call Michelle Bauman, Recruitment Director, at 812-524-8547.

DEPOSITS OF $883.00 and $2581.00 have been made to our church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Thrivent Choice program. A listing of those who have directed their choice dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.

GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY: Trinity Lutheran High School will hold a ground breaking ceremony for the Phase 1 addition of five classrooms today at 3;30 PM at the school (north end of the building – look for the tent). Everyone is invited to join in and help celebrate this important event, which will greatly benefit the students of Trinity.

PHIL’S FRIENDS: Donations are still being accepted for Phil’s Friends. A box is in the narthex and the front hall of school to receive donations. Items may be brought anytime by next Sunday, November 20. Zach Morey will be traveling to Chicago to deliver the items on Monday, November 21.

ST. PAUL, CLIFTY will be hosting a spaghetti supper on Wednesday, November 23, to benefit Kristie Wessel and her family. Serving will be from 5-6:30 PM before the Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 PM. A free-will offering will be received to assist the Wessel family with medical expenses. Thrivent will provide matching funds.