WE COME IN PRAYER: Lord, we open our hearts to You this day. Come to us and bless us with firm faith, that we might have no doubts about You and Your redeeming love. Help us to go forth in confidence to witness of Your great love to others. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
WE REJOICE TODAY in the baptisms of Lilly Perry and Max Perry, children of Claire Perry. Lilly’s sponsors are Derek Wessel, Emily Kain, and Tracey Engelau, and Max’s are Derek Wessel, Travis Whaley, and Jeanne Lienhoop. God’s blessings to all!
WE ALSO REJOICE TODAY in the baptisms after worship of Joshua Hendricks and Brogan Hendricks, husband and step-son of Lindsay (Ross) Hendricks. Brogan’s sponsor is his aunt, Amy Ross. God’s blessings to them!
PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January-March will be available from the ushers after today’s worship. Large print copies are also available.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PRACTICE: Children in grades 1-8 are asked to please meet in church for practice at the start of Sunday School today. PreK and kindergarten children will meet in their classroom as usual.
THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Adrian Krebs will be preaching on “Two Families” as our Family Life series continues. The youth will be serving pulled pork bbq sandwiches for supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 p.m.
ALL SINGERS ARE INVITED to join in the Christmas caroling THIS AFTERNOON. Meet at church at 3:00 p.m., and after caroling enjoy fellowship, soup, and cookies!
CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC: Persons who would like to share their musical talents by singing or playing an instrument are encouraged to participate in our Christmas Eve pre-service music at 6:15 p.m. Please contact Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) or Lorna Meyer (812-350-5768) or send an email to sundayschool@whitecreek.org.
OUR YOUTH will be delivering Christmas cards locally next Sunday, December 18, for 25 cents/card. Cards may be put in the container in the narthex.
THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this Thursday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m.
THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet next Sunday, December 18, after church.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND our commitment of $16/communicant member for Trinity Lutheran High School.
BIDS FOR the church and school custodian positions for 2017 need to be submitted to Bryan Schroer by December 25.
POINSETTIAS: Please contact Karen Schlehuser (812-342-6140) by next Sunday, December 18, if you would like to place poinsettias on the altar/in the narthex for Christmas. Persons may purchase their own or order through Karen.
CHRISTMAS CANDY TREAT donations may be given to the elder/ushers on duty, Joanie Otte, or Becky in the church office by next Sunday, December 18.
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO the Christmas Concert at St. Paul, Clifty, next Sunday, December 18, at 7:00 PM. Music will be presented by the Second Presbyterian Church Beecher Singers & Orchestra, preceded by a harp recital at 6:40 PM. Admission is free.
A DEPOSIT OF $681.00 has been made to our school account on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program by the directed Choice Dollars of the following: Greg & Bonnie Burbrink, Mark Buss, Ken Dettmer, Amy Mensendiek, and Linda Reedy.
FAMILY FOUNDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE, a mini-conference, will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, on Saturday, February 4, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Come and join in this great opportunity to gather resources that can help families build a strong foundation for the future. Childcare will be available, first come, first serve. Cost is $5/adult, $2/child, and registration forms are available in our church office or online at jprobst@zionseymour.org and need to be turned in to the Zion office by Friday, January 13.