Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alan was confirmed 8 years ago today

Today in chapel we read Acts 19:11-20. In these verses we discover that non-believers were treating the name of Jesus Christ like it was a magical incantation to cast out demons.

As youngsters we probably all appreciated a good magic show, but now, as adults, we realize that magic is really based on illusions - making things appear to be other than what they are - it is trickery. What the non-believers failed to realize is that Paul was not practicing magic. He was pointing people to Jesus and acknowledging that it is He who is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. People were being saved and healed not because of the words that Paul was speaking, but because of the One of whom he was speaking. His words were the words of God, and as such, they delivered what was promised by God to the believer. Faith accepted the good news and believed.

This is good news for you and me! This means that when God's words were spoken to us in the waters of our baptisms, they were not magic - there was no trick involved. God spoke and it was so. God continues to act in his church today even as he was acting in Paul's day. He truly promises that all who are baptized are saved, that their sins have been washed away, and that they are forever a child of God.

As we struggle with the overwhelming grief of losing Alan, we take comfort that he was not part of an elaborate magic show when he was baptized. In the waters of Alan's baptism he was actually called by name and given a new name in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He became a co-heir with Jesus and all believers! Moreover, Jesus there promised never to leave him or forsake him, and he never did. Alan believed this with all his heart. Eight years ago today he stood with his fellow confirmands and confessed what he had been taught and what he personally believed. He believed that nothing could separate him from the love of Christ Jesus - not even death, and he confessed his belief in the resurrection of the body - that he would see Jesus face to face with his own eyes. This is most certainly TRUE!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Funeral and Visitation info

Visitation for Alan Schlehuser will be Friday April 15th 2-8:00 at Voss's in Seymour.

The Funeral will be on Saturday 6:00 at White Creek

sad news about Alan

Alan passed away around 6am today. 

More information will be forthcoming.  Please uphold the family in prayer throughout the day.  Pastor was with them throughout the night and this morning, and requests that people refrain from calling them so that they can get some rest before traveling back to White Creek.

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
   but the word of our God endures forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Monday, April 11, 2011

A way to help the Schlehuser family

Well, I'm back again from the hospital and still don't have much to give as an update. Alan did have a CT scan this morning and it showed that the bruising on his brain had not grown overnight, so that was a good thing. It will still be some time before the doctors can determine much more; the swelling on his brain must go down first, and that could still be another couple of weeks.

Many of you have been asking "How can we help?" Of course, first and foremost we must keep Alan and the Schlehuser family continually in our prayers. But, as we look to help them 'weather' the next few weeks perhaps there is some way in which we can bless them out the the surplus of blessings which we have received...

Terry, Ruth, and Betsy "slept" in the hospital waiting room last night. Now, a person might be able to carry on for a day or two with such sleeping arangements while under such stress, but this trial is not just going to be a day or two, it is going to be weeks.

This is where we as a church family come in: there is a hotel connected to the hospital that offers rooms for $64/night for families of patients. Not only would the hotel room give them the opportunity for much needed sleep, but it would also alow for some quiet solitude when needed, as well as a place to get a hot shower. Today I talked with the hotel and set it up so that they will bill the church directly (and allow us to use our tax exemption to avoid the high hotel taxes) for as many days as we are able to cover. So far, we have been able to cover five days worth, but they will certainly be in need of many more. If you would like to help purchase a room for the family, or make a contribution towards a room, please let the church know so that we can inform the hotel as soon as possible, and then make your check payable to St. John's and put "Schlehuser" in the memo. We will record the donations and pay the bill, and then, at the end of the year, your contribution will be reported on your tax statement. This is a specific way in which we can help this dear family in their hour of need.

April 10 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH David & Whitney Vandercar as they bring their daughter, DEANDRA LEE, to be baptized this morning. Deandra arrived this past Monday, weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. and measuring 19½ inches. God’s blessings to you, Deandra!

THE SIXTH MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday at 7 PM. Pastor Cook will be preaching on “Repentance and Forgiveness.” Pastor Cook and Tina Wise will be providing special music during the worship. The Guild will be serving ham, cheesy potatoes/macaroni & cheese, green beans, rolls, and desserts before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.

TWO SERVICES will be held next Sunday, April 17, at 7:00 and 10:15 AM. Pastor Brandt will be delivering the sermon at the 7:00 service. The Sunday School children will have a palm procession, and twelve eighth graders will be confirmed during the 10:15 worship.

ALTAR FLOWERS: Persons who would like to place lilies/spring flowers on the altar for Easter are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) as soon as possible. Persons may purchase flowers or order through Karen.

SPECIAL EASTER ACTIVITIES will be held for the Sunday School children on Easter Sunday. Donations of wrapped Easter candy would be appreciated. A box is in the narthex to receive donations. Thanks for your support!

SPRING FLOWER SALE: White Creek Lutheran School is having a spring flower sale, featuring 10” hanging flower baskets and $10 gift coupons from Whipker’s Market. Order forms will be available in the narthex, or at any time in the church office. Orders with payment are due by this Wednesday, April 13. All proceeds will be used to help fund students’ field trips.

A TABLE WILL BE SET UP after worship in the front hall of school for cookbook sales and spring flower orders.

DEPOSITS OF $224.00 AND $892.00 have been made to the church and school, respectively, from the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ Thrivent Choice program. A listing of the members who have directed their choice dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.

LOST AND FOUND: a black umbrella, beanie bag cat, gold-colored butterfly pin, and a 10X15 amber-colored baking dish. Check in the church office.

A SPAGHETTI SUPPER will be held at Emmanuel, Dudleytown, on Saturday, April 30, from 3-8 PM. All proceeds will go to the Tom Koester family to help with medical expenses as Tom is battling stage 4 colorectal cancer. Thrivent will provide matching funds.

Alan webpage

Church family, please click here for the most recent news on Alan Schlehuser.

Get the latest directly from the family!
Don't forget to sign the guestbook to let them know you are praying for them!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Update on Alan

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of information to give you all about Alan. Ruth, Terry, and Betsy truly appreciate everyone's prayers! Alan is still very much critical as of this evening. The doctors are saying that the next 24 hours are the first hurdle that he faces, and then it could be 3-5 days before they can begin to get an understanding of his neurological state. For now he is in a state of medical paralysis and is unconscious while a ventilator is breathing for him. I will be returning to the hospital tomorrow to be with the family, and will update you all via this blog as soon as I can. Keep praying!

He whom you love is ill.

Thank you God for feeding us today through Your faithful servant Pastor Brandt.  Thank you for upholding him through the service in body and spirit.  You gave him Your Spirit, that we could hear and learn Your Word that we needed so badly today.  Help us now to keep Your Word, to carry it with us throughout this week, that it may sink deep into our hearts and transform us.  Bless Pastor Brandt with rest this afternoon, and continue to uphold Pastor Cook and the Schlehuser family as they wait with Alan.  Father, bring Your light to that dark hospital room.  Amen.

(There will be no recorded sermon from today, I apologize.)

Today's readings

Ezekiel 37:1-14

Romans 8:1-11

John 11:1-16

As we grieve and wait with the Schleuser family, we pray according to God's word. 

Heavenly Father,
 Alan, the one whom You love is hurt.  Have mercy on him and his family.  Have mercy on all of us, we who wonder like Mary and Martha, "Where were You ,God?" and in anger think, "If only You were here."  You know the thoughts of our hearts, Merciful Father.  We do not understand Your ways.  Our love for You is brittle.  But You love us, and You have promised it will not always be this way.  As Pastor Brandt reminded us today: Daylight WILL come.  Help us Lord, in the house of affliction, and keep us safe in Christ until that day when darkness is no more.

In Jesus' name, Amen

Prayer Alert...

White Creek family, please pray for the Schlehuser family.

Alan Schlehuser was in a terrible accident on 65 last night.  They have taken him to Methodist.  Ruth and Terry are on their way right now, and Pastor Cook is soon to follow.

Heavenly Father, please uphold Ruth and Terry through their car ride and the very difficult day that faces them.  May those who care for Alan will be given wisdom, skilled hands, and compassion.  Comfort your dear child Alan, relieve his pain, and whatever this day brings, keep Him safe in You.


Pastor Brandt will be serving this part of the church family while Pastor Cook is with our dear Schlehuser family.