TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Ken & Kyra
Bode in thanksgiving and celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary June
10. May God grant you many more happy
years together, Ken & Kyra!
"River of Life-Part 2," will be held this Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6,
from 6:00-8:15 PM each evening. Helpers
are still needed for various capacities - see Pastor Cook or contact Becky in
the church office if you would be able to help!
Camp Lakeview's Annual Open House is TODAY. Worship will begin at 11:00 AM at the outdoor
amphitheater with guest speaker Rev. Brad Hubbard from St. Mark Lutheran,
Battle Creek, MI. If you can't make it
to worship, join us for a delicious FREE picnic lunch starting at 12:00, then
stick around for afternoon activities such as horseback riding, zip-line,
swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and tours of the new Lakeview Village
expansion. What a great time for the
whole family! Everyone is welcome!
We will have a Cookie Fellowship time after worship next Sunday to
celebrate the end of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. If you would be willing to donate several
dozen cookies, please contact Becky in the church office.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help weed, water, etc. flowers on
the church/school grounds this summer.
If you would be willing to help out a couple of weeks, please contact
Ruth Schlehuser or Travis Eckelman.
DVDs of our recent school musical, "A Tale of Three Trees," are
now available for purchase for $5 each.
See Becky in the church office if you would like to purchase one. If you did not get to see the musical, don't
miss this opportunity to enjoy this wonderful presentation by our talented
BRICKS: Orders
are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the
memory garden. Cost is $100 per
brick. Please contact Ernie & Donna
Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order. Orders will be taken anytime through Labor
AN LWML INGATHERING will be held at the National LWML
Convention June 26 in Pittsburgh including the following items: all sizes of quilts/blankets, wipes and
disposable wipes; babies' kits (receiving blankets, preemie/newborn sleepers,
onesies, outfits, and Christian storybook); men's kits (boxers, L-XXXL,
t-shirts, L-XXXL, socks, Christian tract or Bible verse); bath kits (towel and
washcloth, full size toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, bar soap, Christian
tract or Bible verse); devotional kits (Bible-NIV or ESV, devotional, journal
and pen). A box is in our narthex to
receive items. Please have all items in
by June 23.
PARENTS OF WCLS STUDENTS are reminded that
report cards may be picked up this Tuesday, June 4, from 8:30-11:00 AM or
5:30-6:30 PM.
Trinity Lutheran High School Golf Scramble will be held Friday, June 14, at
Shadowood Golf Course. If interested in
playing, or if you have a foursome, please call 812-524-8547.