Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Upcoming Bible Studies with Emily

Bible studies will be starting up again soon!
This year I am offering TWO options:

Please email me ( or call at 447-8693 to let me know if you are able to come to either study! (Or both if you like!)  

click here for more info
Grace upon Grace
Sundays at 6:30-8pm (NO BABYSITTING)
2nd and 4th Sundays only
beginning September 8 

The longing for spiritual fulfillment, inevitably paired with spiritual frustration, is common among Christians. Do we read and study the Bible enough? Do we worship often and in the right way? Do we pray enough, in the correct way, and for the right things? How do we become truly spiritual? And the answers from numerous self-help spirituality books only lead to confusion and the fear of missing key steps on the road to becoming spiritual. In response, John W. Kleinig clarifies that there is no process for becoming spiritual. Instead, God graciously gives to us every spiritual gift that we need, beginning with the very gift of faith in Christ, our Savior. Because God has joined us to Christ, He continually comes to give us life.

The Gospel of Luke
every Wednesday from  3:30 to 5 at the parsonage (babysitting provided)
(beginning September 4)

**Kids not required!  You just need to have a high tolerance of other people's if you plan to come to this study!**

If your children are in school at White Creek, they are welcome to come straight to the parsonage after school gets out. (Please remember to send a note for your child's teacher.)  We will have time to let the children play and get settled before we start the study at 3:30.

(9 sessions) This study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ.
LifeLight: Luke, Part 2 - Study Guide
click here for more info 
Session 1: A Discourse to the Disciples and to the Crowds
Session 2: Teachings about the End Times
Session 3: Teachings in Parables
Session 4: From the Final Travel Notice to the Final Passion
Session 5: Teachings Near Jericho
Session 6: Jesus' Teaching in the Temple
Session 7: The Passion Narrative - Part 1
Session 8: The Passion Narrative - Part 2
Session 9: The Resurrection

There will be a cost for the books (approximately ten dollars- I'll tell you when I know the final cost) I am ordering some right now but I need to know if we need more!

Please email me ( or call at 447-8693 to let me know if you are able to come to either study! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reins to Recovery Annual Fundraiser

The Reins to Recovery annual fundraiser will be held this coming Saturday, August 24, from 4:00-8:00 PM at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds Family Arts Building.  A free-will offering will be received for the pork barbeque supper, with other activities to include a silent auction, live music, and a live auction at 5:00 PM.  Questions???  Contact Calli Johnson at 812-350-4864.

August 18 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Matthew & Lorna Meyer as they bring their daughter, THEA DARLEEN, to be baptized this morning.  Thea's sponsors are her aunts, Randall Eckelman and Stephanie Meyer.  God's blessings to you, Thea!


TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in thanksgiving and celebration of Thea's baptism by her grandparents, Terry & Connie Meyer.


GIVE A WHITE CREEK WELCOME TO Kristin Simons and her children, Larry and Lilly, as they join us in church membership.  Larry and Lilly are students at WCLS.


A SPECIAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held TODAY after worship in the gym.  At this time the voters will choose which school expansion bid to accept.  All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend as we make these important decisions regarding our ministry here at St. John's.


A PRAYER COMMITTEE is being formed as our building expansion progresses.  If you would like to serve on this committee, please let Pastor Cook know.


SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin the Sunday after Labor Day, September 8.  Sunday School teachers and helpers are needed.  Please contact Pastor Cook or James Rockhill if you would like to help with this part of our church's ministry.


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS will meet this evening at 6:00 PM.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet this evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans restaurant at West Hill for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.


WCLS MUM SALE:  Our school is sponsoring a mum sale to raise funds for students' field trips and special activities.  Order forms are available in the narthex, or mums may be ordered from any WCLS student or through the office.  All orders with payments need to be submitted by Wednesday, September 4.  Mums will be ready for pick-up on Friday-Saturday, September 13-14.


AN OPEN HOUSE to honor Pastor Loren Boettcher on his 80th birthday and 55 years in the ministry will be held on Sunday, September 1, from 2:00-4:30 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 100 N. Frederick St., Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  Greetings may be sent to Pastor Boettcher at 1419 N. Clark Ave., Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL'S annual Trivia Night will be held this coming Saturday evening, August 24, at 7:00 PM.  Tickets are now on sale for $12/person or $72/table.  Please call the Trinity office (812-524-5847) for tickets or speak to one of the students traveling on the English Expedition.


BRICKS:  Orders are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the memory garden.  Cost is $100 per brick.  Please contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order.  Orders will be taken anytime through Labor Day.


EXERCISE CLASSES: Janet Morey will begin a new 7 week session of exercise classes this week.  Classes offered include Pump (standing and floor exercises for intermediate/advance levels), Yoga (senior and intermediate), and Senior Strength (beginning level).  For more information on times and pricing, see Janet in the narthex TODAY after worship.