O Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us a true faith and a sure
hope. Help us in all these things that
pass our understanding, to live as those who believe and trust in Your Fatherly
care. Strengthen our faith and hope in
us all the days of our life. Through
Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
MANY THANKS TO Seminarian Jeff Kyler for delivering today’s message. We are glad to have the Kyler family with us
in worship today!
CALL COMMITTEE UPDATE: The call committee will meet this
Tuesday, August 9, at 6:30 p.m. At this
meeting, they will receive the information on the 12 names that were submitted
and the 10 names that came from the district president. On August 18th, the committee will
meet to review possible candidates and shorten the list to the top 5
individuals for the congregation to review at a meeting in late August or early
THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday, August 10, at 5:30 p.m.
THERE WILL BE a Church Foundation meeting after worship on Sunday, August 28.
OUR NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL YEAR will begin on Sunday, September 11.
Jessica Morphew and Lorna Meyer will be serving as superintendents. They are in need of volunteers for teachers
and helpers! Please contact them if you
would like to help with this part of our church’s ministry. You may reach Jessica at 812-343-9110 or by
email to sundayschool@whitecreek.org. or Lorna at
CHURCH PICNIC: Everyone is invited to our annual
Church Picnic after worship on Sunday, August 21. Bring your lawn chairs and
enjoy a pork burger/hot dog lunch, music, games for the kids, fellowship, and
visit our “Let Your Light Shine” tables and enter the drawing for gift cards
worth $10 to $100! Sign-up sheets for
volunteers to help at the picnic are in the narthex today – thanks to everyone
who has already volunteered, but there are still a few needs.
TRINITY DUES: If you have not yet given your Trinity dues
($16/communicant member), please do so as soon as possible. A special envelope is provided in your
offering envelope box.
ANYONE INTERESTED in sharing their
musical talents at the upcoming Church Picnic on August 21 by singing or
playing an instrument are asked to contact Greg Hercamp at 812-525-7255.
“IT IS A GREAT PRIVILEGE to worship with you, and have the
opportunity to share Jesus’ words with you.
Thank you for prayers and support for us as we continue to work and
study at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN. May God richly bless and keep you.” - Jeff,
Donna, Abigail, Jacob, and James Kyler
(Please check the bulletin board in the front school hall for more news
from the Kylers.)
“MANY THANKS TO the St. John’s
congregation for all their support to us these past few years. Thank you also for the wonderful
send-off! God has blessed us through all
of you! Our new address is 914 2nd
St., Crawford, NE 69339. With love, The Rockhills.”
MEMORY BRICKS are available to order
now through Labor Day ($100/brick).
Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if
interested in ordering. Check with Becky
in the office if you would like to see engraving designs. ***Please note that any orders received after
September 5 will be held until next year’s order is placed.***
THE LWML FALL RALLY will be held on
Saturday, September 10, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Faith Lutheran Church,
Bloomington. The theme of the Rally is
“Warm Your Soul.” All women from St.
John’s are invited to come and enjoy breakfast, help tie fleece blankets, and
hear about plans for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Martin Luther himself might even make an
appearance with his seal! Childcare will
be provided by Faith Lutheran Youth.
Please RSVP to Jean Voelker (812-522-8168) by August 28.
Shepherd Lutheran Church in Avon on September 9 and 10 with the theme,
“Confessing Christ in a Contrary Culture.”
Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., President of Concordia Theological
Seminary, will be the keynote speaker.
Cost per person is $45 which includes a dinner on Friday night and lunch
on Saturday. After August 26,
registration will be $55 per person. A
conference schedule and registration forms are available in our church office.