Monday, December 30, 2013

December 29 Weekly News

THERE WILL BE NO Sunday School or Bible Class today after worship.


NEW YEAR'S EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held at 7:00 PM.  Please note that there will be no Wednesday evening worship this week.


OFFERING ENVELOPES for 2014 are available in the narthex.  If you have not yet picked yours up, please do so today.


THE JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS are also available in the narthex if you did not get that last Sunday.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next week need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.  The church/school office hours will be altered yet this week due to Christmas break.  Please call to make sure someone is in before you make the trip!


BUILDING FUND PLEDGE:  Just a reminder that pledges for the school expansion need to be turned in by this Tuesday to be counted for 2013.  Pledge envelopes are available in the narthex and may be put into the offering plate, given to Janet Morey, Building Fund Treasurer, or turned in to the church office.


THE ANNUAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held on Sunday, January 12, at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Room.  This is one week later than usual so that all the treasurers will have time to get their books closed for the year. The election of officers for 2014 will be among the business at hand. All confirmed members of our congregation are encouraged to attend.


PHIL'S FRIENDS will be making cards next Sunday evening at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.  Everyone is invited to come and help.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00 PM.


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know whether you would like to continue serving.


MANY THANKS to the congregation from Pastor Cook and the faculty and staff of White Creek Lutheran School for the Christmas gifts.  Your prayers and support of our ministry are wonderful blessings for all here at St. John's!


A BIG THANK-YOU to Clara Claycamp for purchasing and organizing the Christmas candy treats for the past several years and also those who helped her pack them.  Clara would like to "retire" from this project, so we will be looking for someone to take this over.  If you would like to do this, please contact Doyce Eckelman.


ALSO, MANY THANKS TO Karen Schlehuser for her creative talents in beautifying our altar and narthex for the Christmas season.  Persons who donated poinsettias are asked to please remove them after next Sunday's worship.


ST. PAUL'S, CLIFTY'S annual Christmas Concert that was postponed due to the weather has been rescheduled for next Sunday, January 5, at 7:00 PM with pre-concert harp music beginning at 6:40 PM.  The Lafayette Back Chorale and Orchestra will present this concert that will include congregational singing.  Everyone is invited - admission is free.

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22 Weekly News

TODAY IS THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath, the candle of love, which symbolizes Christ's love.  "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."  John 3:16


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  are available in the narthex.


JANUARY CALENDARS AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THIS WEEK'S CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.  There will be no Wednesday evening worship Christmas night.


THERE WILL BE NO Sunday School or Bible Class next Sunday, December 29.


NEW YEAR'S EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held at 7:00 PM.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next week need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.  Due to Christmas Break, the church/school office hours will be altered for the next two weeks.  Please call to make sure someone is in before you make the trip!


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know whether you would like to continue serving.


POINSETTIAS have been given in memory of loved ones by the following:

     *Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family

     *Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville & Edna Bode, Glen and Steve Bode by Dale & Bettie Burbrink

     *Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer, Ken & Sharon Dettmer, and Jim & Sheri Dettmer

     *Nancy, Paul, and Leon Ferguson by Jackie & Steve Shroyer

     *Jasper Musillami and Robert & Olga Behrman by Mike & Ruth Musillami

     *Don &  Fazenda Darlage and Louis & Anita Voelker by Lou & Jean Voelker

     *Chet & Edna Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Bernice Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink & Family

     *Rev. O.W. Linnemeier, Don Linnemeier, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Leon & Joan Schlehuser

     *Alan Schlehuser by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

     *Henry Roettger by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

     *Loved ones by Mary Anne Schneider

     *Russell & Margaret Foster, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Jim & Karen Schlehuser


CONGRATULATIONS TO Josh & Dishi Dettmer on the birth of their son, JACOB NIKHIL, born on December 4.  Jacob arrived weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs. and measuring 19 ins.  Everyone is doing fine.  God's blessings to them!  If you would like to send congratulations, Josh & Dishi's address is 663 Par Drive, Jacksonville, NC  28540.


"DOUBLE DIRECT" CAMPAIGN:  Our congregation made the "Top Ten" list of congregations that received Thrivent Choice dollars as a result of the "Double Direct" campaign during October and November.  Members directed $8,872 Thrivent Choice dollars to St. John's, which was doubled for a total of $17,744 in Thrivent Choice dollars.  What a blessing for our congregation!


DEPOSITS OF $83.00 and $87.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans'  Thrivent Choice program.  Those members directing their Choice Dollars include:  Jan Buss, Clara Claycamp, Becky Eckelman, Keith Mensendiek, Aaron Voelker, Jean Voelker.


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  Approximately $70,000 is needed in December to close out our year.  We have collected $32,780 the first three Sundays, leaving a balance of $37,220 still needed.  Please give this your prayerful consideration as the year comes to an end. - Mark Buss, General Fund Treasurer

Harrison shares Christmas message of hope, thanks | LCMS News & Articles

Harrison shares Christmas message of hope, thanks | LCMS News & Articles

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 15 Weekly News

TODAY MARKS THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the third candle on the Advent wreath, the pink candle of joy.  The angels sang a message of joy.  "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.'"  Luke 2:13-14


OUR THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM.  The Youth will be serving a chili/baked potato supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print copies are also available.


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE is being held TODAY after worship in the upstairs front hall of school.  Various crafts are also available for sale.   Enjoy some Christmas treats and do a little Christmas shopping!


PHIL'S FRIENDS card making will be held this evening at 6:00 PM, before the Youth meet at 7:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome to come and help with the cards!


JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by this Thursday.


LOOKING AHEAD TO CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.  There will be no Wednesday evening worship Christmas night.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140).  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally this Tuesday, December 17, after school.  Cost is 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to the Elder on duty or to any of the ushers.


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know whether you would like to continue serving.


"DEAR MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S:  We sincerely appreciate your cards and visits to Wilma.  It was a special treat to have Pastor Cook and the carolers sing to us last Sunday.  That was so special!  Thanks for your concern."  Sincerely, Wilma & Don Voelker


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  Approximately $70,000 is needed in December to close out our year.  We have collected $21,600 the first two Sundays, leaving a balance of $48,400 still needed.  Please give this your prayerful consideration as the year comes to an end. - Mark Buss, General Fund Treasurer


POSITION AVAILABLE:  Lakeview Ministries is currently seeking a full time Facilities Technician.  This position will assist in maintaining all the buildings and grounds of Lakeview Ministries as well as hosting guest groups throughout the year.  For more information, please go to the camp's website at or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Submit resumes to  All resumes must be submitted by December 31, 2013.

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 8 Weekly News

THE ADVENT SEASON continues today as we light the second candle on the Advent wreath, the candle of preparation.   As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places shall become level ways, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ ”  Luke 3:4-6


OUR SECOND MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM.  The Guild will be serving turkey, noodles, green beans, rolls, and desserts before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE is being held TODAY after worship in the upstairs front hall of school.  Various crafts are also available for sale.   Enjoy some Christmas treats and do a little Christmas shopping!


THE LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If you would like to order The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky by TODAY.  Cost is $24.99 plus shipping .


CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  If you would like to go Christmas caroling to the nursing homes and to some of our shut-ins, meet at the Fellowship Room THIS AFTERNOON at 3:00 PM.  After caroling, cookies and hot chocolate will be served in the Fellowship Room.  Questions???  Contact Mary Anne Schneider (812-521-2984).



THE LADIES AID Christmas Party will be held this Wednesday, December 11, at 12 noon at Batar's Tea Room.  Please make your reservation with Kathryn Taulman (405-2774) or Betty McCrory (342-3580) by TODAY.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140).  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally on Tuesday, December 17, after school.  Cost is 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to the Elder on duty or to any of the ushers.


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know that you will continue serving.


CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Christmas Concert at St. Paul, Clifty, next Saturday, December 14, at 7:00 PM, featuring the Lafayette Bach Chorale Singers & Orchestra.  A pre-concert harp recital will begin at 6:40 PM.  Admission is free.


MANY THANKS from the Love Chapel for the thank-offering of food.  Their supply was running low after the holiday, so they were most appreciative of our donations. 


POSITION AVAILABLE:  Lakeview Ministries is currently seeking a full time Facilities Technician.  This position will assist in maintaining all the buildings and grounds of Lakeview Ministries as well as hosting guest groups throughout the year.  For more information, please go to the camp's website at or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Submit resumes to  All resumes must be submitted by December 31, 2013.

Monday, December 2, 2013

December Weekly News

THE ADVENT SEASON begins today.  Advent means "coming" as we prepare to celebrate our Savior's birth.  The first candle lit on the Advent wreath is the Candle of Hope.  We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises He has made to us.  Our hope comes from God.  "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  Romans 15:13


ADVENT DEVOTIONS:  Advent devotions are available online at (search for LHM Advent devotions). 


THE DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held after church TODAY to approve the slate of candidates nominated for 2014 church offices.


THE YOUTH GROUPS will be decorating the church for Christmas TODAY after Sunday School.


OUR FIRST MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 PM.  A six-word story tells a story in just six words.  This Advent, we will hear three such stories that make all the difference!  The Lutheran Men's Chorus will be providing special music.  The Youth will be serving a spaghetti supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE:  As Christmas is rapidly approaching, it is time to start practicing for this year's Children's Christmas Eve Service.  In order to avoid discontinuing Sunday School while we prepare for this service, the practice schedule will be a little different this year.  All Sunday School children will practice the music at the opening and closing of Sunday School each week.  Additionally, children with speaking/acting parts are asked to stay after Sunday School to practice their parts.  Lunch will be provided.  Needed are a Mary, Joseph, three shepherds, three angels/soloists, and many readers.  We will also have some of the smaller children as sheep, but they will not be required to stay after Sunday School.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


THE LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If you would like to order The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky by next Sunday, December 8.  Cost is $24.99 plus shipping .


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE will be held next Sunday, December 8, after worship.  Any and all cookie donations would be appreciated.  Please bring 4-5 dozen cookies to the school (go through the front door upstairs) on Saturday, December  7, by 1:00 PM.


CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  If you would like to go Christmas caroling to the nursing homes and to some of our shut-ins, meet at the Fellowship Room next Sunday, December 8, at 3:00 PM.  After caroling, cookies and hot chocolate will be served in the Fellowship Room.  Questions???  Contact Mary Anne Schneider (812-521-2984).


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140).  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally on Tuesday, December 17, after school.  Cost is 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to the Elder on duty or to any of the ushers. 


THE LADIES AID Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 11, at 12 noon at Batar's Tea Room.  Please make your reservation with Kathryn Taulman (405-2774) or Betty McCrory (342-3580) by next Sunday, December 8.


ANNUAL LIVING NATIVITY:  St. Peter Lutheran Church, Waymansville, will hold its 6th Annual Living Nativity this coming Friday, December 6, from 5:30-8:30 PM. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 24 Weekly News

DECEMBER CALENDARS AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet for a brief meeting TODAY after worship.  Members are asked to please remain in church.


SHOE BOXES for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child need to be brought to Sunday School TODAY.  Please don’t forget to include the $7 for shipping.  If you would prefer to give a monetary donation only, that is also an option. 


OUR THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held this Wednesday, November 27, at 7:00 PM.  We will be gathering non-perishable food items that evening to take to the local food pantry.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next Sunday need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.  The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.


THE DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held after church next Sunday to approve the slate of candidates nominated for 2014 church offices.


THE YOUTH GROUPS will be decorating the church for Christmas next Sunday after Sunday School.


CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE:  As Christmas is rapidly approaching, it is time to start practicing for this year's Children's Christmas Eve Service.  In order to avoid discontinuing Sunday School while we prepare for this service, the practice schedule will be a little different this year.  All Sunday School children will practice the music at the opening and closing of Sunday School each week.  Additionally, children with speaking/acting parts are asked to stay after Sunday School to practice their parts.  Lunch will be provided.  Needed are a Mary, Joseph, three shepherds, three angels/soloists, and many readers.  We will also have some of the smaller children as sheep, but they will not be required to stay after Sunday School.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


THE LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If you would like to order The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky by Sunday, December 8.  Cost is $24.99 plus shipping .


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE will be held on Sunday, December 8, after worship.  Any and all cookie donations would be appreciated.  Please bring 4-5 dozen cookies to the school (go through the front door upstairs) on Saturday, December  7, by 1:00 PM.


ANNUAL LIVING NATIVITY:  St. Peter Lutheran Church, Waymansville, will hold its 6th Annual Living Nativity on Friday, December 6, from 5:30-8:30 PM.  King James, the camel, will be back along with some of his animal friends.  There will also be activities for the kids and free cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate in the Parish Hall.  Also featured will be a photo op set up to take pictures of your children in costume.  The Bethlehem Choir will be caroling in church, in "Bethlehem", and at the Waymansville store during the evening.  (The store will stay open later and will be featuring their delicious pizzas, sold by the slice or by the pie.)  All are invited to join in this celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


WCLS SPIRIT WEAR:  Orders are now being taken for White Creek Lutheran School long and short sleeved t-shirts, sweatshirts (hoodies), and pj pants.  Order forms are available in the narthex.  All orders with payments need to be turned in to the school office by this Tuesday, November 26.

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 17 Weekly News

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet this evening at Bob Evans Restaurant at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00 PM.


DECEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday, November 20, at 7:30 PM (after worship).


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet for a brief meeting next Sunday, November 24, after worship.


OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will be assembling shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.  Shoebox labels and instructions for packing the shoebox were sent with those students.  All shoeboxes need to be returned by NEXT Sunday, November 24.  Please don’t forget to include the $7 for shipping.  If you would prefer to give a monetary donation only, that is also an option. 


OUR THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday, November 27, at 7:00 PM.  We will be gathering non-perishable food items that evening to take to the local food pantry.


CROSSLIFE MINISTRIES AUXILIARY will meet tomorrow at 7:00 PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church.  Members from Redeemer and St. Paul's, Jonesville, will host the meeting.  The agenda will include election and installation of officers, distribution of proceeds from the Fall Luncheon and Bake Sale, and 2014 Sunshine can donations recipients.  All are invited to enjoy the evening of fellowship and become more familiar with the counseling ministry to individuals, marriages, and families throughout Jackson and Bartholomew counties.


DINNER/AUCTION:  Camp Lakeview will hold its 9th annual dinner/auction next Saturday, November 23, at the Clarion Hotel, Columbus.  Tickets are $65 per person or a table of 10 for $600.  All proceeds benefit the ministry at Camp Lakeview.  For more information, contact Camp Lakeview at 342-4815 or Keith & Amy Mensendiek at 342-4981.  Come out for a night of fun, fellowship, and possibly a bargain or two!


DEPOSITS OF $320.00 and $8,872.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent Choice Program.  A list of those persons who directed their Choice Dollars for this is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.


CONGRATULATIONS TO the following persons who were drawn for the Walmart gift cards at the recent Thrivent election:  Lindsay Paluch (the $25 card), Chris Newkirk, Mason Newkirk, Jared Newkirk, Cari Hercamp, Karen Burbrink, Marguerite Meyer, Mike Hatton, Joan Schlehuser, Melissa Hatton, and Max Hoffman.  If you have not yet received your card, see Mrs. Buss.


THE LUTHERAN ANNUAL:  If you would like to order The Lutheran Annual, please contact Becky by Sunday, December 8.  Cost is $24.99 plus shipping .


MANY THANKS TO all who supported our Aluminum Can Drive this past weekend.


THE WINTER WONDERLAND Arts & Crafts Festival will be held at Trinity Lutheran High School on Saturday, November 30, from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM.  Get your Christmas gifts and assorted crafts - lunch will be available, and the junior class will host a bake sale.