NEXT SUNDAY, May 19, will be the last day of
Sunday School and Bible Class for the summer.
Classes will begin again the Sunday after Labor Day, September 8.
MEMBERS will meet
next Sunday, May 19, after Sunday School and Bible Class.
St. Paul's, Jonesville, has invited us to come and tour their new Parish
Hall next Sunday, May 19, at 11:30 AM.
All interested persons invited.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet at the IHOP restaurant at
West Hill next Sunday evening, May 19, at 5:30 PM for supper and will then
return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
AUCTION: The Relay for Life Team Kristie's Krew will again
be sponsoring a fish fry (free-will donation) and silent auction to raise funds
for the American Cancer Society. This
event will be held on Friday, May 17, at the Hope Moravian Church from
4:00-8:00 PM. Dessert donations
(preferably doesn't need to be refrigerated) and silent auction donations are
needed. Call or text Kristie Wessel at
812-350-2047 to make arrangements to pick up any donations. Everyone invited to come out and support this
worthy cause!
AN LWML INGATHERING will be held at the National LWML
Convention June 26 in Pittsburgh including the following items: all sizes of quilts/blankets, wipes and
disposable wipes; babies' kits (receiving blankets, preemie/newborn sleepers,
onesies, outfits, and Christian storybook); men's kits (boxers, L-XXXL,
t-shirts, L-XXXL, socks, Christian tract or Bible verse); bath kits (towel and
washcloth, full size toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, bar soap, Christian
tract or Bible verse); devotional kits (Bible-NIV or ESV, devotional, journal
and pen). A box will be in our narthex
to receive items.
OPEN HOUSE: Summertime is time for CAMP! You are invited to Camp Lakeview's Annual
Open House on Sunday, June 2. Opening
worship will begin at 11:00 AM with guest speaker Rev. Brad Hubbard from St.
Mark Lutheran, Battle Creek, MI. The
service will be followed by a delicious picnic lunch and other afternoon
activities including tours of the new Lakeview Village Lodge and campsite,
canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, zip-line, swimming, miniature golf, and
more. Come on out and see all the new
exciting things growing up at camp.
Everyone is welcome! For
directions or more information, call the camp at 812-342-4815 or visit the
website at
VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED to help with our pipe
organ restoration. Work begins around
9:00 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at Janeen Blomenberg's
garage. Lots of help is needed and
IF ANYONE HAS (or knows of someone who has) any pictures
of the original pipe organ that was in our church in the 1940s, please bring
them in to the church office.
AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE is still going on
today. A trailer is parked on the south
side of the church to receive items.
This project is sponsored by our school's WCA. Thanks for your support!
MANY THANKS TO all those who came out and helped
clean up the flower beds on the church and school grounds. What an improvement!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Dan & Jeanne Lienhoop on the birth
of their son, SAWYER DANIEL, this past Tuesday, May 7. Sawyer arrived weighing 7 lbs. 14 ozs. and
measuring 20 inches. Everyone is doing
fine. God's blessings to them!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Whitney Vandercar and Jael (Buss)
Sylva as they have received their Masters Degrees from Ball State last
Saturday, May 4, and to Danette Mensendiek as she received her RN degree from
Ivy Tech yesterday. God's blessings to
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