OUR THIRD ADVENT midweek worship will continue with the
theme: “I AM: God in the Flesh-Feared,
Hated, Adored,” focusing, this week, on Adored,
as we look in John’s Gospel and hear Jesus claiming the words I AM for Himself. Join us Wednesday night at 7:00pm. The Junior
High Youth will be serving pulled pork sandwiches, green beans, and dessert
before worship, beginning at 5:45pm.
K-8TH GRADE STUDENTS who are participating in
the Christmas Eve Program: Practice is
being held today and next Sunday during the Sunday School hour, so attendance
is very important. Also, an extra
practice will be held next Sunday, December 23.
Students will take a short break after the first practice and have a
pizza lunch, followed by another practice in costume. Everything should be finished by 1:00pm.
SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held after worship next
Sunday, December 23, for the re-election of the male position for our Board of
Education for 2019.
OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January-March
will be available from the ushers after worship today. Regular, digest, and large print are
OFFERING ENVELOPES are available today in the
narthex. Please pick up yours and the
boxes of any family and friends you could deliver. Thank you!
TREATS: Monetary donations for the
children’s Christmas candy treats may be given to the elder/usher on duty or to
Joanie Otte by TODAY.
CALENDAR/NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky
by this Thursday, December 20.
“AS WE PREPARE to celebrate the birth of our King, you are all invited to a Christmas
Party at the Parsonage next Sunday, December 23, from 2:00-5:00pm. No need to bring anything. Come as early or as late as you would like –
stay for as long as you would like.
There will be plenty of food and drink.
We look forward to seeing you.” – The Whitmore Family
like to share your musical talents (singing or playing an instrument) for the
preservice music on Christmas Eve (5:30pm), please contact Lori Hill,
CONCERT will be presented at St. Paul, Clifty, by the
Second Presbyterian Church Beecher Singers and Orchestra THIS EVENING at
7:00pm. A pre-concert harp recital will
begin at 6:40pm. Admission is free –
everyone is cordially invited.
WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 2, Pastor Jung will
resume weekly Wednesday evening Bible Studies at 6:30pm at St. Paul’s,
Jonesville. Our topic of study will be
the “Twelve Apostles.” All are welcome
to join as we study these first men called and sent by our Lord and apply what
it means for us to be a disciple of Jesus Christ today.
CALENDAR grocery bags need to be brought back to church next
Sunday, December 23. Thank you to
everyone who is participating in any aspect of this project.
FOR A NEEDY FAMILY: Lindsay (Ross) Hendricks is receiving
donations to help an 18-year-old co-worker at the nursing home where she works
and her family pay bills, as they have had to seek long-term care for the young
father of the family as he has developed dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Donations may be given to Lindsay or through
our office by this Wednesday, December 19.
KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Dom Toulouse (brother-in-law of Janeen
Blomenberg) as he heals from neurosurgery; Brenda Kelley (sister of Fred
Condra, Sue Barkes, and Sonnia Dunworth) and Iva Dean Warner (mother of Johnell
Cathcart) as they both undergo cancer treatments; Tommy Sabens (uncle of Chuck
Durnil) as he undergoes kidney dialysis;
and the following families of our congregation: Brent Reedy family, Dana
& Linda Reedy, Cody Ross family, Mark Ross family, Mike Ross family, and
Tyler Ross family.
CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR those who are in
situations of domestic violence. The 5th
commandment: Thou shalt not kill. “In short, God wants to have everyone
defended, delivered, and protected from the wickedness and violence of others,
and He has placed this commandment as a wall, fortress, and refuge around our
neighbors, so that no one may do them bodily harm or injury. In the second place, this commandment is
violated not only when we do evil, but also when we have the opportunity to do
good to our neighbors and to prevent, protect, and save them from suffering
bodily harm or injury, but fail to do so.”
(Large Catechism)
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