TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in loving memory of Alan Schlehuser on what would have been his 23rd birthday this coming Wednesday, April 18, by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser.
WE REJOICE WITH Darren & Laura Otte as they bring their daughter, CHARLOTTE OPAL, to be baptized this morning. Charlotte’s sponsors are her aunt and uncle, Mazie & Hayden Caudill. God’s blessings to you, Charlotte!
HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated next Sunday.
THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held TODAY in the Fellowship Room immediately after the worship service. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather THIS EVENING at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans, West Hill, for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and fellowship.
PASTOR COOK will begin another adult instruction class this Wednesday, April 18, after the worship service. Interested persons (or if you know of someone interested) should contact Pastor or Becky as soon as possible so sufficient materials are available.
A SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY will be held in the Fellowship Room on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 PM. Join us for God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, snacks, and fun! Discussion topics will vary from week to week. Babysitting will be available for a small fee ($2/child). Please contact Whitney Vandercar (812-371-3983) with questions. No need to enroll – come anytime!
A MEMORIAL SERVICE for Alan Ryan Schlehuser will be held this coming Saturday, April 21, at 6:30 PM here at St. John’s. The wrought-iron fencing will also be dedicated at this time. Everyone is invited to join the Schlehuser family for this time of remembrance.
MANY THANKS TO Karen Schlehuser and her family for their time and dedication in beautifying our altar and narthex for Easter. Your talents are certainly appreciated! (Persons are asked to please remove any flowers TODAY.)
THANKS TO those who contributed to the Easter devotional booklets for the Sunday School children.
THANKS TO Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for the matching funds provided for the two quilts donated by our Ladies Aid, Jean Meyer, and Sandy and Anne Franke to the Trinity Auction and also to our school’s scholarship supper, both held in February.
LUTHERAN COMMUNITY HOME is seeking donations for its quarterly “Dining Room Bonus Buck Sale” this Friday, April 20. Baked goods, candy, toiletries, knick-knacks, jewelry, clothing, etc., or anything you would like to donate would be appreciated. Please bring donations to the Activity Room any time between now and the morning of the sale. Thanks!
FLOWER SALE: Our school is currently holding its spring flower sale. Hanging flower baskets in a variety of types and colors are available for $19 as well as $10 gift cards. All products are from Whipker’s Market. Order forms are available in the narthex or persons may contact Becky in the church office by this Wednesday, April 18, to place an order. All proceeds will go to our students’ field trip fund.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our Vacation Bible School to be held May 29-30-31 for children 3 years through 5th grade. Registration will begin next Sunday, April 22.
BASEBALL TICKETS: Ticket price totals for those who ordered tickets for the August 19 Reds/Cubs game are now available in the office – please pay for your tickets as soon as possible, as they have been ordered through the school’s charge card. Tickets will be distributed as soon as they arrive.
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